Digital exams on Campus
BYOD exams take place in lecture rooms at WU. Students work on the exams on their own devices under supervision. Students without an own device can request to lend a device in advance of the exam.
A good power supply and sufficient WLAN capacity in the lecture rooms are important for the smooth running of BYOD exams. The introduction of BYOD exams is therefore accompanied by an expansion of the corresponding infrastructure, especially in the large lecture rooms at WU
BYOD exams with software are referred to as BYOD+ exams and should preferably take place in Plug & Study rooms. For this purpose, 250 virtual PC workstations are available on which the software required for the exam is installed.
New starting WS 2025/26: The Plug & Study rooms are reserved for BYOD+ examinations on two days per half-semester. For the WS 2025/26 these days are:
17. & 18.11.2025
20. & 21.1.2026
BYOD+ examinations should preferably be held on these days.
Below you will find detailed information on planning and processing BYOD and BYOD+ exams.
1. BYOD-Exams
Which lecture rooms are suitable for a BYOD exam in the 2024/25 academic year?
The following lecture rooms are suitable for BYOD exams:
Classroom | Number of exam places | Number of places in total | Power supply based on total number of places |
AudiMax | 239 | 650 | 100% |
TC.0.01 | 67 | 180 | 64% |
TC.0.02 | 72 | 180 | 60% |
TC.0.03 | 72 | 180 | 61% |
TC.0.04 | 72 | 180 | 60% |
TC.2.01 | 52 | 120 | 100% |
TC.2.02 | 46 | 120 | 100% |
TC.2.03 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.3.01 | 20 | 60 | 98% |
TC.3.03 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.3.05 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.3.21 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.4.01 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.4.03 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.4.27 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.5.01 | 20 | 60 | 80% |
TC.5.03 | 20 | 60 | 93% |
TC.5.05 | 20 | 60 | 100% |
TC.5.13 | 20 | 60 | 83% |
TC.5.15 | 20 | 60 | 83% |
If there are not enough rooms available for your BYOD exam, you can also take the exam in sequence, although a maximum of two consecutive rounds are recommended..
Further expansion of the infrastructure is planned for the academic years 2025/26 and 2026/27.
How do I apply for a BYOD exam?
A BYOD exam must be requested when announcing the course for the following semester. Please proceed as follows:
Open the course announcement application in BACH.
Click on the menu item “LV-Ankündigung”.
Select the relevant course or create a new course.
Click on the “Digitale Prüfungen” tab.
Check “BYOD-Prüfung”.
Mark the desired date as an exam by clicking on “DCP” and then click on “Save” to save your entries.
Afterwards, please contact to discuss any details and the procedure.
Which examination platform is used?
BYOD exams are conducted via the “Digital Exams” exam platform on MyLEARN.
This allows you to create and manage different question types and exams. The exams completed are assessed in the exam protocol. It is directly linked to the grade book of your exam environment. You can find more information about the exam platform HERE.
What information do I need to give my students?
Please provide your students with the following information in advance of a BYOD exam:
Bring a notebook with an up-to-date browser (Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge). Smartphones and tablets are not supported.
Charge the battery of the devices before the exam and take the charging cable with you.
Take required input devices (e.g. mouse) with you.
Take your student ID with you.
Know your WU WLAN login data or reset the password in advance
This information is summarized in the “Checklist for students” (see “What support is available for BYOD exams?”).
Immediately before the exam, you must consider the following:
Ask students to switch off all devices connected to the WU WLAN, apart from the device used for the exam. This applies in particular to tablets and smartphones.
Some exam places with plug sockets should be left empty so that students with battery problems can use them during the exam.
Which requirements do the students' notebooks have to meet?
BYOD exams can only be taken with notebooks. Tablets and smartphones are not supported.
Required equipment of the notebooks:
Operating system:
Windows: Windows 10 or 11
macOS: One of the three latest versions
Current version of Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge (applies to Windows and Mac)
13 inch
WLAN standard:
At least Wifi 4
Battery life:
At least two hours runtime in exam mode
How can students borrow a WU replacement device (notebook)?
Students who do not have a notebook or cannot use theirs for the exams have the option of borrowing a WU replacement device. To do so, students must notify WU of their need via e-mail to at least two weeks before the examination date.
Students must provide the following information:
Matriculation number
Name of the course/examination
Date and time of the examination
Room in which the examination will take place
Note: Only notebooks and no input devices, e.g. keyboard, mouse, are available for loan. If desired, students must bring their own input devices.
Students who have requested a device can collect it from the IT-SERVICE Desk in the TC immediately before the exam by presenting their student ID. After the exam, students must return the borrowed notebooks to the lecturers present at the exam. They then return them together with the fallback devices (see What can I do if students have technical problems during the exam?) to the IT-SERVICE Desk in the TC.
If the exam is completed before the official end, you can call the IT hotline (01 - 31 336 - 3000) to request an earlier pick up of the notebooks.
What measures can be taken to prevent cheating?
During BYOD examinations on campus, a real time desktop recording can be used to ensure that students complete the examination on their own. Such a recording is also possible on WU replacement devices, if any are provided. These desktop recordings are available until the end of the exam.
What solutions are there for (technical) problems that may arise?
If the exam was registered as part of the course announcement (see How to apply for a BYOD exam?), notebooks are provided as fallback devices for each exam to the extent of 10% of the maximum number of exam participants.
Lecturers collect the fallback devices from the IT-SERVICE Desk in the TC immediately before the exam. If students have forgotten their notebook or have problems with their device during the exam, teachers can issue fallback devices to students. The exam is automatically cached, so students can continue working on their exam immediately with the notebook they have been issued. After the exam, the lecturers collect the issued notebooks and return them to the IT-SERVICE Desk in the TC together with the WU replacement devices (see How can students borrow a WU replacement device (notebook)?)
Problem: I cannot access the exam.
Solution: The exam is conducted on the MyLEARN exam platform. Proceed as follows to access the exam:
1. Log in to
2. Click on the corresponding online exams under ‘My memberships’ ‘My online exams’
3. If a desktop recording is provided for the exam, activate it.
4. Click on the exam in the side menu under ‘Digital exams’ (the exam is only visible at the start time).
Screencast: Prüfungsplattform (currently only available in german)
Make sure that the side menu is expanded in the online exam environment.
Problem: The desktop recording has ended (error message: Desktop stream is muted).
Solution: Reload the page and set up desktop recording again.
Problem: After switching to a new question, my screen only shows a white page.
Solution: Reload the page and set up desktop recording again.
Problem: I cannot connect to the WLAN.
Solution: Repeat the connection process three to four times. If it still does not work, the WLAN password must be reset in the controlpanel.
Other problems:
If there are problems with the WLAN connection, please contact the IT hotline immediately (01 - 31 336 - 3000).
In case of problems with the examination platform, please contact
What support is available for BYOD exams?
Before the exam
If the exam was registered as part of the course announcement (see How do I apply for a BYOD exam?), Digital Teaching Services will support you in planning and conducting the exam:
Pre-check of the exam in the Online Examination Environment (OPU)
Checklist BYOD
Checklist for teaching staff
Screencast ‘Pre-check online supervision’ (incl. desktop recording)
During the Exam
For each examination, notebooks are provided as fallback devices to the extent of 10% of the maximum number of examination participants (see ‘What can I do if students have technical problems during the examination?’).
In addition, for exams with more than 100 participants, a member of staff from Digital Teaching Services will be on site at the start of the examination. This person will support the proper start of the exam (WLAN log-in, exam environment). During the remaining time of the exam, Digital Teaching Services can be reached remotely via MS Teams by teachers and exam organisers
Where can I give feedback on the BYOD exams and make suggestions for improvement?
We would be glad if you communicated your experiences with BYOD exams to us. Through your feedback, you are helping us to improve this new exam format continuously.
Please send your feedback and suggestions for improvement to
2. BYOD+ Exams
Which rooms are suitable for a BYOD+ exam?
BYOD exams with software, which we refer to as BYOD+ exams, should preferably be conducted in Plug & Study rooms. There, students can connect their own device to a large monitor, which makes it easier to work with software.
In addition, 250 virtual PC workstations are available on which the software required for BYOD+ exams is installed.
The following Plug & Study rooms are available for BYOD+ exams:
TC.-1.61 with 50 workstations
TC.3.02 with 40 seats
LC.-1.021 with 23 seats
LC.-1.022 with 30 places
LC.-1.038 with 30 seats
LC.2.064 with 30 places
It is recommended that approx. 10% of the places are not occupied in order to have an alternative in case of technical problems.
If there are not enough places available in Plug & Study rooms for your BYOD+ exam, you can also take it in sequence, whereby a maximum of two consecutive sessions is recommended.
If there are not enough rooms available for your BYOD exam, you can also take the exam in sequence, although a maximum of two consecutive rounds is recommended.
How do I apply for a BYOD+ exam?
A BYOD+ exam must be requested when announcing the course for the following semester. Please proceed as follows:
Open the course announcement application in BACH.
Click on the menu item “LV-Ankündigung”.
Select the relevant course or create a new course.
Click on the “Digitale Prüfungen” tab.
Check “BYOD+-Prüfung”.
Mark the desired date as an exam by clicking on “DCP” and then click on “Save” to save your entries.
Afterwards, please contact to discuss any details and the procedure.
How do I book virtual PC workstations for my BYOD+ exam?
There are four virtual PC rooms which can be booked for BYOD+ exams. These correspond to the the “physical” PC rooms, as far as the amount of virtual PC workstations is concerned.
XS = 25 places (+1 for teachers)
S = 30 places (+1 for teachers)
M = 40 places (+1 for teachers)
L = 50 places (+1 for teachers)
These virtual PC rooms can be requested via Rooms in the process of the LV-Ankündigung (course announcement). Subsequently, they will be booked by Teaching Coordination. After the course announcement phase (in the so-called “open phase”), you can book the virtual PC rooms directly via Rooms.
Note: When you are booking a Plug & Study room, the virtual PC room is not booked automatically. It has to be booked additionally.
Which examination platform is used?
BYOD+ exams are conducted via the “Digital Exams” exam platform on MyLEARN. This allows you to create and manage different question types and exams. The exams completed are assessed in the exam protocol. It is directly linked to the grade book of your exam environment. You can find more information about the exam platform HERE.
What information do I need to give my students ahead of a BYOD+ exam?
Please make sure to provide the students ahead of a BYOD+ exam with the following general information:
Bring your own notebook! Smartphones and tablets are not supported.
Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge, newest version (für Windows und Mac)
Attention: Safari does not support the virtual PC workstation!
Charge the battery of the devices before the exam and take the charging cable with you.
Input devices (Mouse, Keyboard) are available in the Plug & Study rooms.
Bring your student ID card.
The WU WLAN must be used for BYOD+ checks. Know your WU WLAN Login data or create a new password before the exam.
Prepare access to the virtual PC workstation via VMware Horizon:
Preferred: use VMware Horizon HTML Access (alternatively: install VMware Client).
VMware Horizon login for students: Username = e-mail address ( ), password = WU account password
In the WU WLAN on the Campus a VPN connection to VMware Horizon is not necessary.
Screencast about working on an exam on the virtual PC workstation.
Immediately before the exam, you must consider the following:
Ask students to switch off all devices that are connected to the WU WLAN, apart from the notebook used for the exam. This applies in particular to tablets and smartphones.
Which requirements do the students' notebooks have to meet?
BYOD+ exams can only be taken with notebooks. Tablets and smartphones are not supported.
Required equipment of the notebooks:
Operating system:
Windows: Windows 10 or 11
macOS: One of the three latest versions
Current version of Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge (applies to Windows and Mac)
13 inch
WLAN standard:
At least Wifi 4
Battery life:
At least two hours runtime in exam mode
How can students borrow a WU replacement device (notebook)?
Students who do not have a notebook or cannot use theirs for the exams have the option of borrowing a WU replacement device. To do so, students must notify WU of their need via e-mail to at least two weeks before the examination date.
Students must provide the following information:
Matriculation number
Name of the course/examination
Date and time of the examination
Room in which the examination will take place
Note: Only notebooks and no input devices, e.g. keyboard, mouse, are available for loan. If desired, students must bring their own input devices.
Note: Neither the VMware Horizon Client nor the VPN Client is installed on the WU replacement devices. Students with a WU replacement device therefore use VMware Horizon HTML Access and connect to the WU WLAN.
The required notebooks are brought to the examination room by IT assistants on the day of the examination. The lecturers who are present will then hand them out to the respective students. After the exam, the lecturers collect the borrowed notebooks. The IT assistants return to the examination room after the examination and take the devices from the lecturers.
If the exam is completed before the official end, you can call the IT hotline (01 - 31 336 - 3000) to request an earlier pick up of the notebooks.
What measures can be taken to prevent cheating?
During BYOD+ examinations on campus, a real time desktop recording can be used to ensure that students complete the examination on their own. Such a recording is also possible on WU replacement devices, if any are provided. These desktop recordings are available until the end of the exam.
In addition, privacy panels can be fitted between the rows of workstations in the Plug & Study rooms and screen protectors can be attached to the available monitors. The privacy panels make it difficult for students to see the monitors in front of them. The screen protectors prevent students from looking at the neighboring screens from the side.
What can I do if students have technical problems during the exam?
If the exam was applied for as part of the course announcement (see “How to apply for a BYOD exam”), laptops will be provided as fallback devices for each exam to the extent of 10% of the maximum number of exam participants.
The fallback devices can be collected from the IT Services Desk in the LC on the day of the exam and then taken to the relevant rooms. After the exam, all borrowed fallback devices must be returned to the IT Services Desk.
If students have forgotten their notebook or have problems with their device during the exam, teachers can issue fallback devices to students. The exam is automatically cached, so students can continue working on their exam immediately with the notebook they have been supplied with.
Other problems:
If there are problems with the WLAN connection, please contact the IT hotline immediately (01 - 31 336 - 3000).
In case of problems with the examination platform, please contact
What support is available for BYOD+ exams?
Before the exam
Digital Teaching Services support you with planning and implementation of a BYOD+ exam:
Pre-check of the exam in the Online Examination Environment (OPU)
Checklist for students
Checklist for teaching staff
Screencast "BYOD+Prüfungen_Client" (to date, in German only)
Screencast "BYOD+-Prüfungen_Browser" (to date, in German only)
During the exam
If the exam was registered as part of the course announcement (see “How do I apply for a BYOD exam?”), notebooks will be provided as fallback devices for each exam to the extent of 10% of the maximum quota of exam participants (see “What can I do if students have technical problems during the exam?”).
In addition, for examinations with more than 100 participants, a Digital Teaching Services employee will be on site at the start of the examination. This person will support the proper start of the exam (WLAN log-in, handing out fallback devices, exam environment). During the rest of the exam, Digital Teaching Services will be available remotely via MS Teams for lecturers and those responsible for the exam.
Where can I give feedback for the BYOD+ exams and make suggestions for improvement?
We would be glad if you communicated your experiences with BYOD+ exams to us. Through your feedback, you are helping us to improve this new exam format continuously.
Please send your feedback and suggestions for improvement to