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Digital exams on Campus

BYOD exams take place in lecture rooms at WU. Students work on the exams on their own devices under supervision. Students without an own device can request to lend a device in advance of the exam.  

A good power supply and sufficient WLAN capacity in the lecture rooms are important for the smooth running of BYOD exams. The introduction of BYOD exams is therefore accompanied by an expansion of the corresponding infrastructure, especially in the large lecture rooms at WU

BYOD exams with software are referred to as BYOD+ exams and should preferably take place in Plug & Study rooms. For this purpose, 250 virtual PC workstations are available on which the software required for the exam is installed.

New starting WS 2025/26: The Plug & Study rooms are reserved for BYOD+ examinations on two days per half-semester. For the WS 2025/26 these days are:

  • 17. & 18.11.2025

  • 20. & 21.1.2026

BYOD+ examinations should preferably be held on these days.

Below you will find detailed information on planning and processing BYOD and BYOD+ exams.

1. BYOD-Exams

Which lecture rooms are suitable for a BYOD exam in the 2024/25 academic year?

How do I apply for a BYOD exam?

Which examination platform is used?

What information do I need to give my students?

Which requirements do the students' notebooks have to meet?

How can students borrow a WU replacement device (notebook)?

What measures can be taken to prevent cheating?

What solutions are there for (technical) problems that may arise?

What support is available for BYOD exams?

Where can I give feedback on the BYOD exams and make suggestions for improvement?

2. BYOD+ Exams

Which rooms are suitable for a BYOD+ exam?

How do I apply for a BYOD+ exam?

How do I book virtual PC workstations for my BYOD+ exam?

Which examination platform is used?

What information do I need to give my students ahead of a BYOD+ exam?

Which requirements do the students' notebooks have to meet?

How can students borrow a WU replacement device (notebook)?

What measures can be taken to prevent cheating?

What can I do if students have technical problems during the exam?

What support is available for BYOD+ exams?

Where can I give feedback for the BYOD+ exams and make suggestions for improvement?