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Research Integrity

Academic integrity, responsible research and adherence to high ethical standards in writing academic papers are among the key principles which all WU researchers and faculty members are expected to observe.

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WU has a number of measures in place to prevent plagiarism, and any cases of suspected plagiarism that are detected are thoroughly investigated. WU is a member of the Austrian Agency for Research (OeAWI) and endorses the OeAWI guidelines for good academic practice. Research integrity is much more than just accurate and correct citations. It also includes aspects such as:

  • Collecting primary and original data in a way that is clear and transparent to third parties and fully documented

  • No multiple publication of the same findings without appropriate references

  • Giving the names of all people who have contributed to the research results or who have collaborated in the drafting of research proposals

  • No granting of honorary authorships

  • Disclosing potential conflicts of interest

  • Disclosing the sponsors or agencies who have funded the respective research project

To WU, research integrity also means creating an atmosphere and environment where integrity is seen as a matter of course and where researchers are encouraged to report any cases of misconduct that come to their attention. In cases of doubt regarding matters of academic integrity, WU employees can contact the Senate's Research Committee. The Committee is available to provide advice, support and mediation services to employees.

The standards of good scientific practice, in particular concerning the planning, implementation and publication of research projects, are regulated in the Directive of the Vice-Rector for Research on responsible research and academic integrity.

WU respects the dignity and integrity of people, animals, and the environment and is committed to these principles in its research activities. Researchers are free to choose their research topics, objectives, and methods as they see fit, but they must balance the expected gains in knowledge against the damage caused to people, animals, the environment, or society and make sure that this damage does not outweigh the expected benefits. To advise researchers and support them in making this assessment, 2021 WU has established a Research Ethics Board.