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Building the future of finance: Launch of the DIGITAL doctoral research program
Employing digital technologies to make the European financial sector more efficient, robust, and sustainable – this is the goal of the EU-funded MSCA Digital Finance research program. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business is on board as one of the partners.
“A unique opportunity to conduct fundamental research in the field of AI”
In the FWF Cluster of Excellence “Bilateral AI”, top researchers from Austria are working on the future development of artificial intelligence. Among them are experts from WU like Axel Polleres – in this interview, he talks about the goals they are pursuing and what the AI of the future could be capable of.
CO2 capture: a promising climate technology
Capturing CO2 from the air can complement approaches to reducing CO2 from the source — but depending on how they scale, according to a recent study.
Europe at the crossroads
As a collection of nation states, the EU has fallen behind the USA and China economically. It was only when the war in Ukraine broke out that European integration started to regain faster momentum again. In any case, the next five years will be decisive for setting Europe’s future geopolitical course.
The copyright challenges of artificial intelligence
Is it allowed to use copyrighted data in the training of AI applications, and to what extent? Are AI-generated creations protected by copyright? These and similar questions show that copyright is a central concern in an AI-based economy. A commentary by Philipp Homar, WU Professor for Intellectual Property Law.
Sadistic entertainment, clan wars, and vigilante policing: Study sheds light on the dark side of online communities
Verbal abuse, insults, threats: Some online communities are notorious for their toxic atmosphere. A study co-authored by a WU researcher has documented the underlying mechanisms – and looked at why people who are peaceful in real life resort to verbal violence in the online world.
New supply chain legislation: A catalyst for sustainable development?
After some delays, on March 15, 2024, the European Council eventually passed a vote in favor of the new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). This directive, intended to make supply chains more sustainable, heralds a paradigm shift.
Shifting balances of economic power
Free trade agreements and economic globalization have gone out of fashion: Sanctions, protectionism, and fears cloud the outlook for a prosperous development of international trade relations.
New emissions model reveals problems with carbon forecasts
Researchers at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) have developed a new model for forecasting greenhouse gas emissions. It shows that the global climate targets can no longer be achieved unless drastic measures are taken – and it reveals that some countries vastly overstate their carbon reduction efforts.
19 Jan
Ceremonial Hall 1 and YouTube livestream
Communicating leadership
Rethinking management communication