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Shrinking the economy to protect the environment: The search for a Degrowth theory of money
Countries can fund important environmental and social programmes while also reducing overall economic activity if they follow certain steps, new research from WU Vienna has revealed.
Voter overconfidence makes the effects of fake news worse, WU research finds
Overconfidence among voters makes the negative effects of fake news even worse, new research by economist Melis Kartal from WU Vienna has found.
How the retail industry can reduce food waste
Globally, 1.3 billion tons of edible food per year is wasted in retail and consumption. This equals around 35 % of food produced along the entire supply chain, from production to consumers. WU researcher Gerald Reiner (head of the Institute for Production Management) and his team are conducting research on food waste and what the retail industry can do to avoid it. In recognition of his research, Gerald Reiner has been named Researcher of the Month January.
Gender Data Gap: Why women still find themselves disadvantaged
While the Gender Pay Gap describes gender inequality on the job market, the term Gender Data Gap refers to inequalities in social development as a whole: Most socio-organizational decisions are based on data concerning men, i.e. male bodies, male preferences and prototypical male life choices. In a recent study, WU researcher Sonja Sperber (Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization) and her colleagues look into the negative effects of the Gender Data Gap and how to overcome it.
Group Behavior: How People Make Decisions
Exclusion is omnipresent in social interactions. So is the fact that we prefer to surround ourselves with like-minded people. In her new study, WU researcher Susann Fiedler from the Institute for Cognition and Behavior uncovers cognitive processes underlying our group behavior. For this purpose, she and her team use eye tracking technology, a tool known from newspaper research.
WU researcher Jürgen Braunstein wins ERC Starting Grant
The European Research Council awards Jürgen Braunstein an ERC Starting Grant, one of the most prestigious European science awards. The award is endowed with €1.5 million. Braunstein conducts research at the WU Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience. He was granted starting capital for his research project on Energy Transitions and the Rise and Fall of Great Financial Centers (GFCs).
UN Climate Conference: Launch of World Emissions Clock
The World Data Lab (WDL) in cooperation with WU, announced the launch of the World Emissions Clock (WEC) on the margins of the UN Climate Conference in Egypt today. WU and WDL have developed this statistical model in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Patrick McGovern Foundation, the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, and the University of Oxford.
Four WU researchers appointed to join the Austrian Productivity Board’s pool of experts
Jesús Crespo Cuaresma, Gabriel Felbermayr, Karin Heitzmann, and Klaus Prettner have been appointed experts to the Austrian Productivity Board. In the coming years, the WU researchers will support and advise the board on technical matters.
From Greenwashing To True Responsibility: Companies' Climate Reporting
Should companies disclose their environmental impact data on a mandatory basis? The climate crisis puts a stronger focus on the reporting obligations of companies, a topic that has previously not received much attention. In their new study, Katrin Hummel, Head of the Accounting & Reporting Group at WU Vienna, and her colleague Emira Jasari (University of Zurich) examine the consequences of mandatory climate reporting.
Tech start-ups: Lack of women is homemade
Why are IT-driven start-ups male-dominated? A study by WU Vienna now shows that the lack of women in tech start-ups is not due to women's education or lack of experience but rather based on how start-ups are perceived from the outside: as young, tech-savvy, white and male.
Long-term care: Mixed reality applications help people in need of care and caregivers
The provision of care for people in need of long-term care is facing major challenges. Measures must be taken at many levels to make jobs in this sector more attractive and to ensure the care of those affected. WU researcher Birgit Trukeschitz and her team at the WU Research Institute for Economics of Aging are evaluating the practicality and impact of new technologies developed for older people and long-term care in national and European projects. Now Birgit Trukeschitz has been honored as Researcher of the Month for her work.
Psychopaths in the C-Suite – Myth or Reality?
CEOs, who bear a large part of the responsibility for major corporate scandals, are often portrayed as psychopaths. The cliché of the monster in pinstripes comes up again and again in films, media reports, and even academic research. A researcher at WU Vienna has now shown that, in reality, there is not much to it.