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[Translate to English:] Irene Monasterolo

Stress test for investment portfolios developed

Central banks and financial regulators are increasingly aware that climate change poses a major threat to economic and financial stability. Investors and financial markets are also subject to…

[Translate to English:] Isabella Grabner

Individual incentives: How pay influences performance

How should companies design individual pay incentives? Do employees automatically work harder if they receive more pay? Isabella Grabner from the Institute for Strategic Management and Managerial…

[Translate to English:] Judith Kohlenberger

Refugees in Austria are healthier than refugees in Germany

June 20 is World Refugee Day. A new study published in the journal PLOS ONE looks at the health situation of asylum seekers and refugees in Germany and Austria. Together with coauthors from Germany,…

[Translate to English:] Markus Hametner

UN SDGs: The pandemic as a huge setback

The fifth edition of the Eurostat monitoring report outlines the first effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the progress the EU and its member states are making towards achieving the 17 UN Sustainable…

[Translate to English:] Jurgen Willems

Public-serving organizations hit by crises: Trust outlives scandals

For public-serving organizations, securing the trust of stakeholders is crucial. But what happens if an organization’s reputation is tarnished by allegations of abuse, misuse of donations, or…

[Translate to English:] Eva Hofmann

Trust beats punishment: How to improve the sharing economy

The sharing economy is turning the corporate world upside down. More and more companies and organizations are focusing on services and goods that are used collectively. To get customers involved in…

WU Professor Klaus Prettner, Institute for Macroeconomics

Countries closer to the equator have up to 33% less COVID infections

Countries that are closer to the equator have been shown to have less COVID-19 cases, relative to the number of residents, research from Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) has…

[Translate to English:] Martin Schreier

Lagerfeld vs. me? Luxury brands and the pitfalls of customization

The fashion industry is increasingly giving a more active role to customers. Many brands make it possible for customers to make their own design choices when it comes to selecting colors, fabrics, and…

[Translate to English:] Patricia Klarner

How future-oriented company boards drive innovation

Publicly listed companies are under growing pressure to deliver short-term results while at the same time driving long-term innovation. Against this background, it is crucial for the board to focus on…

[Translate to English:] Emanuel List

Housing costs: Young people, singles, single parents affected most

While housing costs are low for homeowners, they constitute a considerable financial burden for people who rent their homes.