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[Translate to English:] Günter K. Stahl

Psychopaths in the C-Suite – Myth or Reality?

CEOs, who bear a large part of the responsibility for major corporate scandals, are often portrayed as psychopaths. The cliché of the monster in pinstripes comes up again and again in films, media…

[Translate to English:] Stefan Giljum

Industrial mining causes major forest loss in the tropics

The growing demand for minerals and the resulting mining activities continue to drive deforestation worldwide. Today, mines worldwide extract more than twice the amount of raw materials mined in 2000.…

[Translate to English:] Klaus Prettner

The labor market of the future: Are robots the solution, not the problem?

A new study by WU Vienna shows that automation can be a way out of demographic change.

[Translate to English:] Wolfgang Obenaus

Wolfgang Obenaus honored with Austrian Cross of Honor

WU Professor Wolfgang Obenaus, a high-profile business communication expert, has been awarded the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, First Class. On behalf of Federal President Alexander…

[Translate to English:] Peneder und Resch

Schumpeter Prize 2022 goes to Michael Peneder and Andreas Resch

On Friday, July 8, 2022, the International Schumpeter Society (ISS) announced at the 19th ISS Conference that the Schumpeter Prize 2022 is presented to Michael Peneder and Andreas Resch. They receive…

[Translate to English:] Nikolaus Franke

Nikolaus Franke honored as European Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year

WU researcher Nikolaus Franke has received the European Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award.

[Translate to English:] Sofie Waltl

Wealth distribution: 80 percent of wealth in the hands of the richest 20 percent

Current information on household wealth and income is crude and only comparable on an international level to a limited extent. A WU researcher proposes new approaches to improve the way distributional…

[Translate to English:] Peter Vandor

Social enterprises in Austria: Innovative, female, challenged during the pandemic

With the “Austrian Social Enterprise Monitor,” the Social Entrepreneurship Center (SEC) at WU Vienna presents a comprehensive study on the importance, influence, and financing of social enterprises.

[Translate to English:] Laura Pavlidis

The Constitutional Court – an Infallible Authority?

Pandemic control measures, headscarf bans for elementary school students, and the ban on assisted suicide testify to the fact that constitutional courts deal with highly sensitive social conflicts.…

[Translate to English:] Nikolaus Franke

Nikolaus Franke honored with Schumpeter School Award

The Schumpeter School of Business and Economics has honored Nikolaus Franke, head of the WU Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, for his outstanding academic achievements. The Schumpeter…