Zwei Studierende sitzen in einem PC Raum nebeneinander

Master Program in Information Systems


Assoz.Prof. PD Dr. Mark Strembeck

Mark Strembeck

Vice Program Director
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Wirt.Inform.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Jan Mendling

Jan Mendling

Institute for Information Business, Department of Information Systems & Operations
Eveline Dietz

Eveline Dietz

Program Coordinator

different departments

Five different WU departments

cooperate in this trans-disciplinary program, contributing to its leading position with their highly qualified researchers, lecturers and guest professors.

Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Institute for Information Systems and Society, Institute for Information Management and Control, Institute for Production Management, Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management

Department of Business, Employment and Social Security Law

Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law Group

Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics

Institute for Statistics and Mathematics

Department of Strategy and Innovation

Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Department of Socioeconomics

Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience