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Department of Information Systems and Operations Management


Novel business models, innovative business processes and disruptive information systems concepts fundamentally challenge traditional ways in which companies operate internally and collaborate externally in networks and supply chains. The Department of Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM) at WU Vienna investigates these developments using a multi-method approach, integrating approaches from information systems research, management science, software engineering, data science, operations research, cognitive science and organizational studies. Our research investigates the structure and dynamics of social systems in general and business information systems in particular at the intersection of organizational requirements, technological capabilities and human needs. In this way, we both contribute to the efficient and effective design of business processes, business methods and business information systems and to understanding the empirical antecedents of the successful management of information systems in a business setting. It is our ambition that our findings help to address fundamental challenges of our time such as globalization, sustainability, privacy and the transition into a knowledge society.

Department Board

Furthermore, the ISOM Department is cooperating with other WU departments in the following research institutes and competence centres:

Computational Methods (FIRM)


Experimental Research

Supply Chain Management