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Lectures and Workshops Series

The Department of Information Systems and Operations Management hosts diverse academic lectures and workshops presented by international and national guest speakers.

Please be aware that venues can be subject to late changes and space constraints. Therefore, it is advised to register in advance if you wish to attend.

Summer semester 2025

Bailey Flanigan, Ph.D.
Harvard University (USA)
"Algorithmic tools for targeting sortition ideals"
February 19, 2025further information
Nilay Tüfek Özkaya, M.Sc.
Siemens AG (Germany)
"Semantic Artifacts and LLMs: Use Cases in the OPC UA Industrial Standard"
February 12, 2025further information
Dr. Lisa Ehrlinger
University of Potsdam (Germany)
"Current Challenges in Data Quality Assessment"
February 6, 2025further information

Winter semester 2024/25

DI Roland Sommer, MBA
Austrian Platform Industry 4.0 (Austria)
"Industry 4.0 - What Comes Next?"
December 12, 2024
Dr. Jan Maly
WU Vienna (Austria)
"Combining Voting and Abstract Argumentation to Understand Online Discussions"
(joint work with Michael Bernreiter, Oliviero Nardi and Stefan Woltran)

December 4, 2024
Prof. Michael Scholz
TH Deggendorf (Germany)
"Pricing in Viral Marketing Campaigns"
November 20, 2024
further information
Prof. Fridolin Wild
Open University (UK)
"Can XR "reality-embedded learning" mitigate the fallout of the AI revolution?"
October 28, 2024
Dr. Danja Sonntag
Lund University (Sweden)
"From a linear supply chain to a circular economy: The impact of sustainable sourcing labeling"
October 24, 2024
Keynote/Discussion "Digital Resilience. Europas Zukunft am Prüfstand"
in cooperation with
October 15, 2024further information

Summer semester 2024

Sulthoni Asshidiqqi
Institut Teknologi Bandung, (Indonesia)
"The Statistical Data Production Ontology (SDPO): Towards an approach for integrating the metadata of statistical data production"
September 25, 2024further information
Dr. Lisa Ehrlinger
Hasso Plattener Institute (Germany)
"Current Challenges in Data Quality Assessment"
September 17, 2024further information
Fabian Lindner, M.Sc.
Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
"To See, or Not to See - On the Impact of Visualization in Manufacturing and Operations Management"
September 10, 2024
Dr. Christian Wankmüller
Department of Europian and International Affairs, Carinthia Regional Government (Austria)
"The Relevance of Research for EU Regional Development and Cohesion (and vice versa)"
September 6, 2024
Maximilian Kunovjanek
Senior Specialist IT Business Analysis at ÖBB (Austria)
"Automated Resource Planning at ÖBB - A Methodological Introduction"
September 3, 2024
Workshop Future Paths of Knowlegde Management
hostet by the Knowledge Management Group, WU Vienna
"The Role of Spirituality, Responsibility and Sustainability in Knowledge Management of the Future"
September 2-4, 2024further information
Simone DaniottiDomplexity Science Hub (CSH) Vienna (Austria)
"The Coherence of US Cities"
July 3, 2024further information
Prof. Raghava Mutharaju
IIIT Dheli (India)
"Application of Symbolic and Neuro-Symbolic AI"
June 25, 2024further information
Prof. Sanju Tiwari
BVICAM New Dheli (India)
"Harnessing the Power of Large Language Models: Benchmarks, Biases, and Applications"
June 5, 2024further information
Dr. Romana Pernisch
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
"LOT4KG: A Joint Methodology for the Ontology and Knowledge Graph Lifecycle"
May 8, 2024further information
Prof. Stefan Gold
University of Kassel (Germany)
"Building Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Operations and Supply Chains: Bringing Public Policy Back In"
April 26, 2024
further information
Saba Latif
University of Rome (Italy)
"A Semantic Encoding for the Specification of the Object Centric Event Data (OCED) Meta-model"
April 24, 2024further information
Gábor Recski, PhD
Technical University Vienna (Austria)
"Transparent Natural Language Understanding"
March 13, 2024
Prof. Paul Groth
University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
"Data Curation and Debugging for Data Centric AI"
March 10, 2024further information

Winter semester 2023/24

Prof. Allan Hanbury
Technische Universität Wien (Austria)
"Professional Search in Context"
January 17, 2024
Amitrajit Sarkar
Ara Institute of Canterbury; University of Canterbury (New Zealand)
"Using the Lens of Critical Realism for a Practice-based Theory of Information Systems Resilience"
December 7, 2023
Prof. Dr. Herbert Meyr
University Hogenheim (Germany)
"A machine learning approach for identifying the best solution heuristic for a large scaled Capacitated Lot sizing Problem"
December 1, 2023
further information
3rd Virtual Mini Symposium: Future paths of Knowledge Management: The role of Spirituality, Cognitive Science and Sustainability in Knowledge Management of the future
in cooperation with OCKO Group, University of Vienna, Austria
November 27-28, 2023
further information
Dr. Kathleen Kennedy
University of Maryland (USA)
"Maximizing the Contribution of Aviation to 2050 Net-zero Emission Reduction Pathways"
November 20, 2023
Dr. Romana Pernisch
Vrje University Amsterdam (NL)
"Evolution of Ontologies"
November 16, 2023
Dr. Brigitte Stangl
University of Surrey (UK)
Dialogveranstaltung "Lebensmittelverschwendung reduzieren: Innovative Perspektiven aus Österreich und der Schweiz" in Cooperation mit der Schweizerische Botschaft in Österreich
November 20, 2023

Summer semester 2023

Dr. Johanna Barzen and Prof. Frank Leymann
University of Stuttgart (Germany)
"Basics of Quantum Computing, Quantum Machine Learning, and QHAna"
March 22, 2023
further information
Prof. Dr. Jaap-Henk Hoepman
Radboud University, Karlstad University, and University of Groningen (The Netherlands; Sweden)
"Privacy is Hard and Seven Other Myths"
March 20, 2023
further information
Prof. Dr. Paul Groth
University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
"Data Curation and Debuggig for Data Centric AI"
March 10, 2023
further information

Winter semester 2022/23

Prof. Dr. Miriam Wilhelm
WU Vienna, Austria
"Combatting Forced Labor in Global Seafood Supply"
January 20, 2023
Prof. Hector Martinez
INCAE Business School in Costa Rica and University of Kentucky
"Peer Coaching in Groups and the Impact on Knowledge Management in Organizations"
December 13, 2022
Karina Radchenko, PhD candidate
University of Kyiv, Ukraine
"Sustainability in Smart Cities"
December 12, 2022
2. Virtual Mini-Symposium: "Future Paths of Knowledge Management"in cooperation with OCKO Group, University of Vienna, AustriaDecember 1-2, 2022further information
Prof. Dr. Daniel Schnurr
University of Regensburg, Germany
"Do Consumers Benefit from Selling their Data? The Economic Effects of Personal Data Brokers in Digital Markets"
November 23, 2022
Prof. Dr. Pavel Castka
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
"Social and Environmental Monitoring in Supply Chains - Towards Transformative Transparency"
November 4, 2022
further information

Summer semester 2022

Workshop "Semantic Web and Machine Learning Systems"
in cooperation with:* Prof. Frank van Harmelen, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
* Prof. Annette ten Teije, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
* Prof. Heiko Paulheim, University of Mannheim, Germany
* Dr. Andreea Iana, University of Mannheim, GermanySeptember 1 - 2, 2022
Prof. Heiko Paulheim
University of Mannheim, Germany
"New Adventures in RDF2vec"
September 2, 2022
further information
Prof. Frank van Harmelen
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
"Hybrid Intelligence: AI systems that collaborate with people instead of replacing them"
September 1, 2022
further information
Prof. Piero A. Bonatti
University of Naples Federico II
"A semantic approach to policy encoding and compliance checking"
August 31, 2022
Prof. Pavel Laskov
University of Liechtenstein
"Can We Trust AI?"
June 8, 2022
further information
Prof. Giovanni Perrone
University of Palermo, Italy
"Socialise and Win in Online Communities: How Different Network Positions in a Crowdsourcing Community Affect Solvers Successes"
July 21, 2022
further information
Prof. David Wozabal
Technical University of Munich, Germany
"The Value of Coordination in Multi-Market Bidding of Grid Energy Storage"
May 23, 2022
further information
Eleni IlkouL3S Research Center in Hannover Germany"Personal Knowledge Graphs in Education"May 19, 2022
Dr. Raysa G. Rocha
University of Beira Interior, Portugal
"Sublimating Aristotle's Phronesis: Measuring Organizantional Practical Wisdom"
April 26, 2022
further information
Dr. Prasanta Kumar Dey
Aston Business School, UK
"Circular Economy to Combat Climate Change Issues"
April 25, 2022
further information
1. Virtual Mini Symposium: Responsible Knowledge Management: Reflecting on the Future of Knowledge Management in a VUCA Worldin cooperation with OCKO Group, University of Vienna, AustriaApril 25 and 28, 2022
further information

Winter semester 2021/22

Prof. Anastasia Dimou
KU Leuven
"Knowledge Graph Generation"
February 3, 2022
Further Information
Prof. Ryan Watkins, George Washington University (GW), and Soheil Human, MSc, WU Vienna
"Needs-aware Artificial Intelligence — AI that ‘serves [human] needs’"
February 2, 2022
Further Information
Mafri-Jay Gambal, PhD
Aston Business School (ABS)
"Digital innovation in an IS outsourcing context: Exploring client and provider perspectives"
January 24, 2022
Further Information
Prof. Christian Fikar
University Bayreuth
"Operations research models for sustainable foof deliveries"
January 10, 2022
Further Information
Dr. Martin Degeling
Ruhr University Bochum
"Tracking, Profiling and the GDPR"
December 17, 2021
Further Information
Sándor Juchász, PhD
Laboratory for Networks, Technology & Innovation (NETI), Corvinus University
"Spatial social network patterns inside cities"
November 9, 2021
Further Information
Dr. Hendrik Scholta
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU)
"Digital government evolution: From one-stop shop to no-stop shop"
October 6, 2021
Further Information

Summer semester 2021

Prof. Armin Haller
Australian National University (ANU)
"What Are Links in Linked Open Data? A Characterization and Evaluation of Links between Knowledge Graphs on the Web"
May 6, 2021

Summer semester 2020

Prof. Jan-Hendrik Passoth
Munich Center for Technology in Society
"Recoding Public Value. Infrastructure, Platforms and Digital Sovereignty in and for Europe"
June 3, 2020
Prof. Juan Boubeta-Puig
University of Cádiz (UCA)
"Integrating Complex Event Processing and Blockchain through a Model-driven Approach"
March 4, 2020

Winter semester 2019/20

Prof. Werner Nutt
Free University of Bozen-Bolzan
"Why Databases Should Know How Much They Know"
January 27, 2020
Dr. Kris Ruijgrok
University of Amsterdam
"The politics behind India’s internet shutdowns"
January 8, 2020
Dr. Guido Governatori
CSIRO Brisbane

December 19, 2019
Dr. Miel Vander Sande
Ghent University
"Applying Weighted Transition Logic for adaptive workflow composition"
December 2, 2019
Prof. Elena Simperl
University of Southampton
"Qrowd and the city: Designing people-centric smart cities"
November 19, 2019
Further Information
Dr. Nataliia Bielova
French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation
"Detecting third-party tracking and GDPR violations in Web applications"
November 7, 2019
Dr. David Garcia
Complexity Hub Vienna
"Online privacy as a complex phenomenon"
October 30, 2019
INVERTO Workshop - Institute for Production MangementOctober 25, 2019Further Information
Prof. Frank Leymann and Johanna Barzen
University of Stuttgart and University of Cologne
"Quantum Computing: A Brief Introduction"
October 23, 2019
Further Information
Prof. Gerhard Wohlgenannt
ITMO University St. Petersburg
"Multi-label Legal Document Classification with fastAI and Visual QA with Ontodia"
September 9, 2019Further Information
Luise Pufahl
Hasso Plattner Institute
"Handling Flexibility and Resources in Business Processes on the Example of the Last Mile Delivery“
August 8, 2019
Further Information

Summer semester 2019

Prof. Hector Martinez
INCAE Business School Costa Rica
"Inspired and Effective: The Role of the Ideal Self in Well Being, Job Engagement and Positive Organizational Behaviors"
June 24, 2019
Further Information
Prof. Paul Groth
University of Amsterdam
"Thinking about the Making of Data"
June 12, 2019
Prof. Kai Hoberg
Kühne Logistics University Hamburg
"Human-machine interaction in order decisions"
May 20, 2019
INVERTO Workshop - Institute for Production ManagementMay 17, 2019Further Information
Prof. Sylvie Delacroix
Birmingham Law School
"Beware of ‘Algorithmic Regulation’“
May 8, 2019 
Prof. Geraldine Fitzpatrick
TU Vienna
"Designing being human: The case of care and older people“
April 17, 2019
Prof. Nils Löhndorf
University of Luxembourg
"The Value of Industrial Demand Response in the EPEXSPOT Electricity Market"
April 2, 2019
Dr. Niels ten Oever
University of Amsterdam
"a Net of Rights? – the Inscription and Subversion of Values in Transnational Internet Infrastructure Governance“
March 20, 2019 
Prof. Yigal Gerschak
Tel Aviv University
"Coordination in Decentralized Supply Chains"
March 5-19, 2019

Winter semester 2018/19

Dr. David Reichel
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
"The impact of AI and big data on fundamental rights“
January 23th 2019
Prof. Hannah Krasnova
University of Potsdam
"Social Media: The Dark and The Ugly“
January 16th 2019
Prof. Linnet Taylor
Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT)
"What’s ethical about data ethics?“
January 9th 2019
Prof. Markus Becker
University of Southern Denmark
Organizational routines, habits, and their operationalization
December 14th 2018
Further Information
Prof. Frank Leymann
University of Stuttgart
"Quantum Computing: A Brief Introduction“
December 11th 2018
Further Information
Dr. Hala Skaf-Molli
University of Nantes
"Sage: Web Preemption for Public SPARQL Query Services"
December 12th 2018 
Further Information
Laura Koesten
University of Southampton
A user centred perspective on the discovery of structured data
December 6th 2018
Further Information
Maribel Acosta
Flexible Techniques for Querying RDF Graphs on the Web
November 26th 2018
Further Information
Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann
University of Frankfurt am Main
"The Normative Order of the Internet: How Rules Are Made and Legitimated in Online Settings“
November 21st 2018
Gerald Stieglbauer
AVL List GmbH
Revolution vs. Evolution: Model-Based Engineering and the Industry
November 6th 2018
Further Information
Prof. Eric Tsui
Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Open Curriculum project: Co-creation the syllabus with students and graduates on rapidly advancing business and technology areas
October 17th 2018
Further Information

Summer semester 2018

Till Winkler, MSc.
Copenhagen Business School
Decision Rights Allocations in Information Systems Adoption and Management – Procedural and Architectural Perspectives
July 13, 2018
Further Information
Prof. Dr. Michael Rosemann
Queensland University of Technology
The entire new challenges, and opportunities, for BPM
July 12, 2018
Further Information
Antonella Del Pozzo, PhD
CEA (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission), Paris
Towards the blockchain formalization: the blockchain abstract data type
June 26, 2018
Further Information
Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto, PhD
University of Valladolid
The Swiss-Army Knife of Semantic Data Compression - RDF Dictionaries
May 7, 2018
Further Information
Dr. Henrick Leopold
VU Amsterdam
Evidence-Based Conformance Checking for Event Logs with Coarse-grained Timestamps
May 7, 2018
Further Information
Adrian Klammer, PhD
University of Lichtenstein
Organizational Forgetting and Unlearning
April 19, 2018
Further Information
Martin Beckmann, MSc.
TU Berlin
Analysis of a Specification Approach using UML Activity Diagrams and Coexisting Textual Descriptions
April 18, 2018
Further Information
Dr. Chiara Di Francescomarino
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
On the dimensions of predictive process monitoring
April 11, 2018
Further Information
Dr. Waldemar Kremser
Radboud University Nijmegen
The dynamics of drift in digitized processes
April 4, 2018
Further Information
Zdena Dobesova, Ph.D.
Palacky University, Olomouc
Workflow diagrams for GIS software - testing of effective cognition
March Wednesday 21, 2018
Further Information
Dr. Mieke Jans
Uni Hasselt, Belgium
The auditor as oracle when testing process controls
March 12, 2018
Further Information
Carlos Olarte
ECT - UFRN, Brazil
Verification techniques for a network algebra
February 23, 2018
Further Information

Winter semester 2017/18

Dr. Tyge Kummer
Griffith Business School, Australia
The Effect of Risk Representation in Business Process Models on Analytical and Intuitive Processing
January 10, 2018
Further Information
Marlon Dumas
University of Tartu
Caterpillar: A Blockchain-Based Business Process Management System
December 18th, 5:30 pm, D2.3.103
Further Information
Patrick Mikalef
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Dynamic Capabilities in Information Systems Research
December 1st, 1:30 pm, D2.2.094
Patrick Westphal
Smart Data Analytics
BigDataEurope Platform and the SANSA Stack
November 14th 2017, 11:00 am, D2.2.094
Further InformationSmart Data AnalyticsSmart Data Analytics
Wil van der AalstTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven
Responsible Data Science in a Dynamic World
November 7th 2017, 6:30 pm, TC.1.02
Further Information
Dr. Kate Revoredo
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)
Semantic Interactive Ontology Matching: Synergistic Combination of Techniques to Improve the Set of Candidate Correspondences
September 25th 2017, 5pm, D2.2094
Further Information

Summer semester 2017

Dr. Mauro Conti
University of Padua
Can’t You Hear Me Knocking: Novel Security and Privacy Threats to Mobile Users
September 27th 2017, 10:30 am, D2.2.094
Dr. Moe Wynn
Queensland University of Technology
Process mining within the Australian insurance sector
September 20th 2017, 4pm, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-process-mining-in-the-australian-insurance-sector _blank>Further Information
Dr. Daniel Schlagwein
UNSW Business School
Opening Up LEGO: Organizational Learning With and About Crowdsourcing
July 13th 2017, 4pm, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-opening-up-lego-organizational-learning-with-and-about-crowdsourcing _blank>Futher Information
Dr. Henrik Leopold
VU University Amsterdam
Checking Process Compliance on the Basis of Uncertain Event-to-Activity Mappings
July 12th 2017, 12 pm, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-checking-process-compliance-on-the-basis-of-uncertain-event-to-activity-mappings _blank>Futher Information
Prof. Avidgor Gal
Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
From IoT to Process Improvement: Use-Case of a Boston Hospital
August 17th 2017, 4 pm, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-from-iot-to-process-improvement-use-case-of-a-boston-hospital>Further information
Prof. Dr. Arthur ter Hofstede
Queensland University of Technology
Patterns: A Personal Reflection
June 19th 2017, 10 am, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-patterns-a-personal-reflection _blank>Further information 
Prof. Dr. Gregor Polančič
University of Maribor
May 18th 2017, 17:30 pm, D2.2.094
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühne
Victoria University of Wellington
Two-Level Modelling Considered Harmful
May 17th 2017, 12:00-13:00 pm, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-two-level-modelling-considered-harmful _blank>Further Information
Prof. Dr. Stefan Selke
Hochschule Furtwangen (HFU)
Digital Self and the Measurement of Being

May 15th 2017, 1:30 - 2:30 pm, D2.2.094
Further Information
Qaiser Mehmood, MSc
University Galway
BIOOPENER: Linking & Querying Cancer Genomics Repositories
May 11th 2017, 9 am, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-bioopener-linking-querying-cancer-genomics-repositories _top>Further information
Prof. Dr. Brian T. Pentland
Michigan State University
Zooming In and Out on Event Networks
May 11th 2017, 10 am, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-zooming-in-and-out-on-event-networks _blank>Further information
Dr. Tomislav Hernaus
Uni Zagreb
Multidisciplinarity of BPM: A Bibliometric Analysis of a Loosely Coupled "Field"
April 26th 2017, 12:000-01:00 pm, D2.2.094

Winter semester 2016/17

Prof. Dr. Kate Revoredo: Adapting Conceptualizations through Data
Prof. Dr. Gleison Santos: Measurement and Process Improvement
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
January 12, 12 am, D2.2.094
Giuseppe Pirrò
Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR-CNR)
Harnessing the Power of (Knowledge) Graphs
December 20, 11 am, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-harnessing-the-power-of-knowledge-graphs _blank>Further information
Serven Capadisli
University of Bonn
Linked Research/Open Document formats for scientific publishing!
November 21, 11 am, D2.2.094
<link https: en infobiz news-details detail guest-talk-linked-research-an-approach-for-scholarly-communication _blank>Further information
Dr. Vikram Bhakoo
University of Melbourne
The future trajectory of qualitative research at the intersection of IS and OM – personal reflections on publishing in leading journals in the context of sustainability compliance in multi-tier supply chains
October 5, 4 pm - 6 pm, TC.3.08 
Further information