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Past Announcements

Michael Scholz, TH Deggendorf

Pricing in Viral Marketing Campaigns

20 November 2024, 2pm, TC.1.01 OeNB

Michael Scholz, TH Deggendorf

Viral marketing is a type of advertising where information about a product is passed from one consumer to another via any channel that supports communication among consumers. A viral marketing campaign consists of two major phases: seeding and propagation. Seeding describes how many and which consumers are initially informed about a product by the firm whereas propagation describes how product information percolates through a social network. In this presentation, we will discuss several seeding strategies and their impact on a firm’s profit. We furthermore will consider two models for estimating the number of consumers that will be informed about a product by other consumers. Finally, we will discuss a model for calculating profit-maximizing prices in viral marketing campaigns and use this model to study the impact of consumers‘ willingness to participate in marketing communication of economic figures.

Digital Resilience. Europas Zukunft am Prüfstand

15. Oktober 2024, 18 Uhr, Festsaal 2

Die Veranstaltung wird vom Department für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Management in Kooperation mit organisiert.

Wie stark und resilient ist Europas digitale Wirtschaft im globalen Wettbewerb angesichts von aktuellen weltwirtschaftlichen und weltpolitischen Trends? Wo liegen die Stärken Europas? Vor welchen Herausforderungen steht die europäische Digitalwirtschaft? Wie kann der Weg Europas in die Zukunft aussehen?


Verena Dorner, Leiterin des Instituts für Digital Ecosystems, WU Wien


Damian Izdebski, Gründer & CEO, techbold

Viktoria Robertson, Leiterin der Abteilung für Kartellrecht und Digitalisierung, WU Wien

Nina Strempfl, Head of Digital Products & Culture, ÖBB

Alexander Windbichler, Gründer & CEO, Anexia


Axel Polleres, Head of Department of Information Systems & Operations Management, WU Wien
