Guest Talk "Dataspaces at Fraunhofer FIT"


Christina Gillmann 

Date/Time: 05.03.2025, 12:00 

Location: D2.2.095 


This talk will explore the concept of data spaces as developed at Fraunhofer FIT, with a particular focus on the integration and implementation of the GAIA-X initiative. GAIA-X aims to foster secure, sovereign, and interoperable data exchange across industries and regions, providing a robust framework for the development of data spaces that enable secure data sharing and collaboration. The presentation will highlight several current projects at Fraunhofer FIT, where data spaces are being employed to address challenges in various domains, including agriculture, healthcare, and smart cities. Key innovations in these projects will be discussed, particularly how they contribute to advancing the understanding and implementation of data spaces in real-world scenarios. Additionally, future developments in data space-enabled analytics will be explored, emphasizing how the integration of advanced analytics tools and AI can empower organizations to derive actionable insights from distributed data. The talk will conclude with an outlook on the evolution of data spaces and their potential to drive innovation and create new opportunities in data-driven decision-making and cross-sector collaboration.


Dr. Christina Gillmann is the Head of Data Management and Engineering Group at Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT, Germany.

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