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Research Institute for CryptoeconomicsRSS

Job Alert: Teaching and Research Associate

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Working Paper: Why CBDCs will likely not support full smart contracts

Virtually all proposals for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) include a provision for account limits. They are meant to protect the regular banking system from bank runs into the CBDC, and for…

Call for Papers: International Workshop on Distributed Ledgers and Related Technologies

WU is hosting the 33rd DEXA Conferences and Workshop from August 22-24th. Papers for the Workshop on DLRT can be submitted until March 7th.


Affiliated researchers Jamsheed Shorish and Michael Zargham together with Matt Stephenson formulate "A practical theory of fungability".

Working Paper: Kultur-Token Sustainable Business Model

The pilot phase of the Vienna Kultur-Token will restart in May next year. The accompanying scientific paper can be downloaded now.

Blockchain, Web3 and the SDGs

A project report written by the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics and the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development.

Working paper "Foundations of Cryptoeconomic Systems"

New foundational working paper


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