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Forschungsdaten.info is a website that provides practical information on the correct handling of research data at all stages of the project.

RDM E-Learning Course (en)

This is a University of Edinburgh course that teaches the basics of research data management. There are different versions for students, researchers, and librarians. The contents help you to develop your own RDM skills or to integrate the topic into your courses. The content is presented in various formats, such as case studies and videos. You can also test your knowledge in interactive quizzes.

RDM E-Learning Course (de, fr)

In this course you can learn the basics of research data management interactively in German or French. There are a total of eight modules on practical data management. You can also complete a module on didactics in order to integrate the topic into your own teaching. The platform is hosted by the Universities of Applied Sciences HTW Chur and HEG in Switzerland.

RDM Training Materials

This Zenodo collection includes current scientific publications, posters, checklists and other materials from research data management experts from European countries.