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Prof. Rita Szudoczky

Photo: Prof. Rita Szudoczky

Prof. Rita Szudoczky is an Associate Professor at WU, Vienna, specializing in international and European tax law. Her research focuses on international tax policy, particularly the reform of the global tax system, with an emphasis on creating a fairer, more efficient, and administrable allocation of taxing rights. Her work also addresses EU tax policy, exploring issues such as the interplay between primary and secondary EU law, tax harmonization, and the EU's role in global tax coordination, as well as fiscal State aid.

She holds multiple advanced degrees in law, including an LL.M. in International Tax Law from Leiden University and a PhD from the Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law. Before joining WU, she gained extensive professional experience as a legal associate, researcher, and advisor at leading academic and legal institutions, including the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD). Rita has also held visiting lecturer roles at prestigious institutions such as Leiden University and Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

Prof. Szudoczky’s academic achievements have been recognized with several prestigious awards, including the EStAL PhD Award and multiple WU Research Awards. Her publications span topics such as transfer pricing, cooperative compliance programs, and the interplay between EU tax law and State aid rules, demonstrating her commitment to addressing complex issues in global tax policy. Her work bridges academic insight and practical application, advancing both the study and practice of international and European tax law.