WU Campus


  • Why do I need read!t?

  • Where can I find read!t?

  • Why is there no read!t list for my course?

  • How do I mark resources as already "read"?

  • Why don’t I have access to electronic resources?

Why do I need read!t?

read!t displays the literature and other resources that are essential for your courses. With read!t, you not only receive the title, author, and year of publication for each resource, but also its location in the library. For electronic resources, a link is provided that takes you directly to the resource. If you are off-campus, you need to activate your VPN connection. Instructions can be found here.

In addition, teaching staff can create public notes in read!t, e.g. to specify which chapters of a book should be read.

With MyCollection in read!t, you also have a personal area where you can gather exciting literature for your projects, such as your thesis.

Where can I find read!t?

Screenshot: Wo finde ich read!t?

You can find read!t in the syllabus [A.1.] of each course under the Readings [A.2.] section.

The read!t list is divided into sections, which can be named, as in our example, with "Session" [A.3.].

Screenshot 2: Where can I find read!t?

If you click on the individual sections, such as the sessions, you will be directed to the literature references where you can view detailed information such as location, link, or public notes by clicking on the respective resource again.

Why is there no read!t list for my course?

Screenshot: No read!t list yet

If no literature is displayed in the read!t list of a course, it is possible that no literature list has been created or published in read!t yet.

Then you will see the message as shown in the screenshot.

In this case, ask the teaching staff if s/he wants to provide a read!t list and which literature should be used for the course.

How do I mark resources as "read"?

Screenshot: Mark literature as "already read"

You can mark literature that you have already read in read!t [B.1.]. This feature helps you to maintain a clear overview.

Why don’t I have access to electronic resources?

Most likely, you are not on campus and therefore not connected to the WU network. To access electronic resources in read!t while off-campus, please activate your VPN client (Global Protect).

Instructions can be found here.