Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

PMG Recordings

Mit diesen Audios möchten wir Ihnen einen kurzen Einblick in die Tätigkeiten an unserem Institut geben: durchgeführte Studien, aktuelle Projekte und Veranstaltungen. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören!


General stereotypes (2023).mp3 

General sterotypes

Katharina Dinhof und Jurgen Willems (6:01 Min.)

What are stereotypes, and how do they influence behavior and decisions? How do stereotypes about jobs and professions influence professional interactions, in general and in the public sector?


 stereotype treat (2023).mp3 

Stereotype threat in the public sector

Katharina Dinhof und Jurgen Willems (7:10 Min.)

How do people deal with negative stereotypes about their profession or about the sector in which they work? Does the negative stereotype about public servants have an impact on public servants’ work?


Gender stereotypes (2023).mp3 

Gender stereotypes in the public sector

Katharina Dinhof und Jurgen Willems (8:10 Min.)

Public sector professions are often very gendered, at least that is the public perception on it. But how are women in the police force then perceived, and how are men in nursing jobs perceived? Does gender influence how people are assessed in terms of professionality and competence?


 Trust in public performance information (2023).mp3 

Trust in public performance information

Lisa Hohensinn und Jurgen Willems (5:45 Min.)

Information on how public organizations are performing is all around. But what makes us trust or distrust this information? What about making such performance information easily available, and what about the source of such public performance information