Außenansicht des D3 Gebäudes

UnionPro: Labour Unions and Firm Productivity


This research is funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (grant number: 18834).

How do trade unions affect the performance of business, and thereby productivity and macroeconomic policy? To answer this question, this project aims to combine trade union membership registry data and firm level data to establish a novel data set that covers a substantial part of the Austrian economy. The large data set allows for a fine disaggregation at the sectoral, occupational and regional levels as well as between firms of different characteristics, such as size and firm type. The large number of observations provides the unique possibility for a robust analysis of blind spots of past research like the role of trade unions in small and unlisted companies or in the service sector. We explore the association of trade union power with productivity, firm profit and wages with respect to heterogeneous effects among sectors and firm size. The dataset created by this project will provide ample research opportunities to apply quasi-experimental research designs to explore the relationship between unionization and firm performance.

Work in Progress

  • Worker Organization and Firm Performance

  • The Unnoticed Decline of Wage Inequality in Austria

  • Differential Rent Sharing at the Top

Project Publications

Research Note Trade Union Density in Austria: New Evidence from Tax Records (2024)
Research Note Trade Union Density in Austria: New Evidence from Tax Records (2024)

INEQ Project Publications

Research Note 2023|06

Gewerkschaften und Unternehmensperformance im österreichischen Dienstleistungssektor: Eine Analyse von Gewerkschaftsmitgliedern, Betriebsräten und Unternehmensleistung

Lehner, Lukas
List, Emanuel

Research Note 2024|02

Gewerkschaftlich organisierte Unternehmen sind produktiver und zahlen höhere Löhne: Eine Analyse zur gewerkschaftlichen Organisierung von Angestellten, Betriebsräten und der Unternehmensleistung

Lehner, Lukas
List, Emanuel

The Team Members

Emanuel List

© Emanuel List
Emanuel List

Principal Investigator & Coordinator

Emanuel List is a postdoctoral research associate at the Research Institute Economics of Inequality at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. His research focuses on issues of income and wealth distribution, housing, financial stability as well as corporate productivity and ownership.

Portrait Lukas Lehner

© Lukas Lehner
Lukas Lehner

Principal Investigator
Personal Website

Lukas Lehner is an Assistant Professor at the University of Edinburgh. His research interest is labour market policy using experimental, quasi-experimental, and comparative methods. He studies wage dynamics, conducts a randomized control trial on a pilot job guarantee scheme and has founded the Oxford Supertracker:

Matthias Stehle

© Matthias Stehle
Matthias Stehle

Research Assistant

Matthias Stehle joined the the UnionPro project team in April 2024 as a Research Assistant. Matthias helps with data preparation and analysis. In autumn 2023 he started the master’s program Economics at WU Vienna.