INEQ Working Paper Series
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#32: 03/2025
Reframing Active Labor Market Policy: A Field Experiment on Barriers to Program Participation
Lehner, Lukas
Schwarz, Anna
#31: 07/2024
Understanding the Distribution of Wealth at Death: A Probate Based Approach
Disslbacher, Franziska
Rapp, Severin
#30: 02/2024
From Inheritances to Wealth: A Mortality Multiplier Approach for Austria
Ertl, Michael
#29: 11/2023
Automation and Income Inequality in Europe
Doorley, Karina
Gromadzki, Jan
Lewandowski, Piotr
Tuda, Dora
Van Kerm, Philippe
#28: 04/2023
The Anxious Middle Class: Risk of Downward Mobility and Support for Radical Right Parties across Western Europe
Derndorfer, Judith
#27: 04/2023
Taxation, cash benefits or something else? How income-related family policies affect mothers’ labour supply in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands
Lechinger, Vanessa
Six, Eva
#26: 04/2023
Long shadows of the past: The effect of childhood poverty on old age mental health
Six, Eva
#25: 04/2023
Gender-specific patterns of wealth accumulation: the Austrian example
Lechinger, Vanessa
#24: 01/2023
Highbrow heritage: The effects of early childhood cultural capital on wealth
Six, Eva
Schnetzer, Matthias
#23: 12/2022
Political Aspects of Public Employment Programs
Haim, Daniel
#22: 05/2021
Asset Bias in Household Needs Measurement
Rapp, Severin
#21: 04/2021
Home, sweet home? The impact of working from home on the division of unpaid work during the COVID-19 lockdown
Derndorfer, Judith
Disslbacher, Franziska
Lechinger, Vanessa
Mader, Katharina
Six, Eva
#20: 12/2020
On Top of the Top - Adjusting wealth distributions using national rich lists
Disslbacher, Franziska
Ertl, Michael
List, Emanue
Mokre, Patrick
Schnetzer, Matthias
#19: 09/2020
Housing and Income Inequality in Europe: What drives the difference?
List, Emanuel
#18: 04/2020
Distributional National Accounts (DINA) with Household Survey Data: Methodology and Results for European Countries
Ederer, Stefan
Humer, Stefan
Jestl, Stefan
List, Emanuel
#17: 03/2020
Die Doctrine classique des Familienbonus+ - Eine Debatte in 5 Akten
Humer, Stefan
Lechinger, Vanessa
Six, Eva
#16: 01/2020
Multidimensional Wealth Inequality: A Hybrid Approach toward Distributional National Accounts in Europe
Waltl, Sofie R.
#15: 03/2020
Distributional National Accounts (DINA) for Austria, 2004-2016
Jestl, Stefan
List, Emanuel
#14: 09/2019
Class Matters - Philanthropie US-amerikanischer Haushalte
Banabak, Selim
Premrov, Tamara
Six, Eva
Beran, Sarah
#13: 08/2019
What did you really earn last year?: Explaining measurement error in survey income data
Angel, Stefan
Disslbacher, Franziska
Humer, Stefan
Schnetzer, Matthias
#12: 08/2019
Tax Preferences, Partisanship and Perceptions of Society: Evidence from Austria
Zens, Gregor
Warum, Philipp
#11: 06/2019
Salience of Inherited Wealth and the Support forInheritance Taxation
Bastani, Spencer
Waldenström, Daniel
#10: 09/2018
Making sense of Piketty’s "fundamental laws" in a Post-Keynesian framework
Ederer, Stefan
Rehm, Miriam
#9: 06/2018
The Decomposition of Income Inequality in the EU-28
Kranzinger, Stefan
#8: 02/2018
Literacy skills, equality of educational opportunities and educational outcomes: An international comparison
Jovicic, Sonja
#7: 05/2017
The Convergence of the Middle Class. New evidence for Europe
Derndorfer, Judith
Kranzinger, Stefan
#6: 03/2017
Poverty in Times of Crisis
Ahammer, Alexander
Kranzinger, Stefan
#5: 02/2017
Can’t Keep Up with the Joneses: How Relative Deprivation Pushes Internal Migration in Austria
Jestl, Stefan
Moser, Mathias
Raggl, Anna K.
#4: 09/2016
The Role of Age and Gender in Education Expansion
Sauer, Petra
#3: 08/2016
Macht - Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen
Altzinger, Wilfried
#2: 08/2016
Explaining Income Inequality Trends in Countries: An Integrated Approach
Rao, Narasimha D.
Sauer, Petra
Pachauri, Shonali
#1: 02/2016
Bequests and the Accumulation of Wealth in the Eurozone
Humer, Stefan
Moser, Mathias
Schnetzer, Matthias