Außenansicht des Gründungszentrums im TC Gebäude

Learn Project Management with Notion: The Ultimate Productivity Tool (Eng.)

Banner Notion Project Management

You might have heard of Notion already, its a software tool built to boost productivity and stay organised. In this interactive and engaging workshop, you will get hands-on experience on how to build a notion system and you’ll also learn project management principles which you can immediately apply in Notion!

Whether you have already founded a business or are thinking about it, the ability to manage projects and tasks is vital, so dont hesitate, sign up for the workshop now and learn how to supercharge your management skills!


  • Notion Basics

  • Project Management Foundations

  • Group Work: Building a Project Manager

  • Case Study and Presentations

  • Gamification: Make Project Management Fun!

Goals & Learnings

  • Be comfortable with using Notion as a project management tool

  • Knowing the basics of project management

  • Practicing team collaboration in a software tool

Place & Time

  • 03.04.2025 from 9:00 – 13:00

  • Where: WU Gründungszentrum

Additional Information

You will need to bring a laptop or a tablet with you. 
This workshop will be held in English.


Nooa Adams

Nooa Adams

I am Nooa Adams, A BBE student and the Notion Campus Leader at WU. I have been using Notion for 5 years and since early 2023, I have been an expert Notion consultant and have worked with nearly 20 businesses and individuals to set up Notion systems together. Since then, I have founded an agency and specialize on automating and optimizing businesses. Notion has helped me keep on top of university, my business and every other aspect of my life. I am looking forward to meeting you in the workshop!

Nooa Adams - YouTube