A Barrier-Free Workplace
Our philosophy
As a public employer, WU is committed to setting an example for other organizations, especially with regard to diversity. To live up to this commitment, WU has drawn up Guidelines for the Inclusion of Employees with Disabilities. These guidelines define specific goals for WU’s HR management to make sure that WU is a barrier-free workplace. This includes measures for raising awareness of disability-related issues, particularly among management staff, who play a key role for the inclusion of employees with disabilities in the day-to-day work done at WU.
Steps taken
Below you can find an overview of some of the steps WU is taking to strengthen the inclusion of employees with disabilities:
In the 2017 summer ¬se¬mester, WU started offering tutoring jobs and positions at service units that are specifically advertised and awarded to people with disabilities.
WU’s commitment to strengthening the inclusion of people with disabilities is enshrined in our fundamental strategic documents. In 2017, it was for instance included in the WU Strategic Plan
In 2016, WU relaunched its website, adding comprehensive web accessibility features.
A room equipped with assistive technologies is available in the WU University Library.
We are constantly holding events and posting articles on the WU Blog and in the WU Bulletin to raise awareness of issues related to disability and accessibility.
Why it is important to obtain registered beneficiary status
People with a degree of disability of 50% or more (§ 2 [1] of the Disabled Persons Employment Act [Behinderteneinstellungsgesetz, BEinstG]) can obtain an official notification from the authorities that confirms their disability. In German, these notifications are called “Feststellungsbescheid.” You can apply for such a notification with the Sozialministeriumservice branch office in your province.
In addition to the minimum degree of disability, another requirement for obtaining an official notification is Austrian citizenship or citizenship of an EU or EEA member country. People who have been granted asylum in Austria and third-country nationals who hold a work permit are also eligible to apply (cf. Sozialministeriumservice of the City of Vienna).
Once you have received this official notification, you have the status of a registered beneficiary under the Disabled Persons Employment Act. Registered beneficiary status offers certain advantages for you personally and for the company or organization that employs you (cf. Sozialministeriumservice or Chamber of Labor).
Advantages for employees
Advantages for employers
Our statutory obligations as an employer
All employers in Austria are required by law to employ a certain number of registered beneficiaries under the Disabled Persons Employment Act. Pursuant to § 1 (1) of the act, Austrian employers with a workforce of 25 employees or more are obligated to hire one registered beneficiary for every 25 employees. Employers that fail to meet this quota are required to make a compensation payment.
WU is striving to fulfill its statutory quota. But, even more importantly, WU also wants to live up to its social responsibility and to set an example for other educational institutions to follow. For this reason, we are working hard at WU to increase the employment of people with disabilities.
Note: Civil servants with disabilities who are registered beneficiaries cannot be counted towards the statutory quota because they are employees of the federal government, not of WU.
Tax advantages for employers who fulfill their statutory employment quota
Support programs and financial aid
WAG - Assistenzgenossenschaft
Wien Work
Click here for a list of further support organizations (in German).
Anna Jaschek-Langthaler
Head of the Personnel Office

Lena Zimmermann
1st Deputy Disability Commissioner for WU Staff
Further information
Disability Commissioner for WU Staff website (currently only available in German)Representative Groups