[Translate to English:] Ansicht Campus WU

TTCL Conference 2025 - Online Registration

Personal Information
Please indicate where you are presently working. If more than one employer, please list all.

I am happy for the following personal details to be included in the list of participants, which I understand will be distributed to all registered participants.

Conference Participation Infomation

I will attend the Welcome Reception on May 7, 2025.

I will attend the typical Viennese Heurigen Dinner on May 8, 2025.

Should your plans change and you are no longer able to attend the Heurigen Dinner, please contact us as soon as possible.

I require a certificate of attendance.

The certificates will be sent out via e-mail after the conference. Should you require a printed version, please indicate this in the comments.

I would like to receive conference materials in the following form (in order to save paper, please only select printed materials if required):

Type of Registration

Registration Fees


Participant at own expensesEUR  1,500.-
Researcher*EUR  0.-

The participation fee will not be refunded in the case of cancellation two weeks prior to the conference.

A waiver may be granted to a limited number of full-time academics, who are employed by a university or other academic institution (wherever located) and who have been engaged in research activities related to the topic of the conference.

*I am a researcher who is exclusively employed by an academic institution and I apply for being admitted as a participant and ask for waiving the participation fee. Both the reasons for this request and the relevance of the conference topic for my research work are explained in a separate letter (plus CV and recent publication list) which I upload.

If other selected, please state pre-approved arrangement
Please upload your cover letter, CV and list of publications here
Billing Details


If you have any questions, please contact taxlawconference@wu.ac.at.

* Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).