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Logo: IFA - International Fiscal Association

What is the International Fiscal Association (IFA)?

The International Fiscal Association (IFA) is a global association that was established in 1938 with its headquarters in Rotterdam. It is the only non-governmental and non-sectoral international organisation dealing with fiscal matters. IFA has now over 13,000 members from more than 100 countries, while the number of IFA branches also increases every year. The purpose of the IFA is the study and promotion of international and comparative tax law, which happens in particular through academic research, the publication of specialist studies and the organisation of congresses and seminars.

IFA Austria

IFA Austria is the Austrian branch of the IFA consisting of all IFA members resident in Austria. It represents their interests within the IFA and helps to support the objectives of the IFA in Austria.

Executive Committee

IFA President:

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Lang


  • Dipl. Ing. Mag. Friedrich Rödler

  • Mag. Alfred Heiter

  • Mag. Reinhard Leitner

Board Members:

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Bendlinger

  • Mag. Horst Bergmann

  • Dr. Thomas Ecker

  • Mag. Dieter Habersack

  • Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Daniela Hohenwarter-Mayr, LL.M.

  • Mag. Gabriela Holzinger

  • Mag. Herbert Houf

  • Prof. Min.-Rat Dr. Heinz Jirousek

  • Univ.-Prof. DDr. Georg Kofler

  • Dr. Ralf Kronberger

  • MR Prof. Dr. Helmut Loukota

  • Dr. Christoph Marchgraber

  • Mag. Christina Reichart 

  • Dr. Roland Rief

  • Mag. Reinhard Rindler, LL.M.

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Rust

  • Dr. Sabine Schmidjell-Dommes

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karoline Spies

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claus Staringer

  • Univ.-Lektor Dr. Franz Sutter

  • Dr. Peter Unger

  • Mag. Christine Weinzierl

  • DDr. Hans Zöchling

Annual IFA Congress

Every year, IFA holds its Annual World Congress which lasts almost a week and includes a variety of panel discussions, discussions of case studies and seminars at the highest scientific level on highly practical topics. Although the operations of the IFA are essentially scientific in character, the subjects selected for the congress take account of current fiscal developments and changes in local legislation. Two general topics are discussed at each of these world congresses. For each of these general topics, national reports on the legal situation in all countries in which the IFA is represented are prepared in preparation for these congresses. A general report is then compiled based on these national reports. In addition, the IFA conducts comparative law studies, which are carried out jointly by academics and practitioners from different countries.

Wolfgang Gassner Science Prize

Every year, IFA Austria offers the Wolfgang Gassner Science Prize for habilitations, dissertations, diploma thesis and other scientific papers in the field of international tax law. This prize is awarded in the form of sponsorship prizes and scholarships for attending the annual IFA congress.
