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Current Developments in European and International Tax Law

The Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business cordially invites you to an established series of colloquiums entitled Current Developments in European and International Tax Law which will be held in the academic year 2024/25.

Six individually held colloquiums will give you the opportunity to gain expert insights while also making it possible to exchange views on an informal level. We are happy to be able to present a number of internationally renowned speakers from a variety of different countries. Leading researchers from all over the world will share their expertise and discuss current tax issues.

The exact topics and programmes will be decided upon closer to the date of each colloquium. This will enable us to focus on the latest relevant issues.

Subject to your registration, you will of course receive details on the themes to be discussed prior to each individual colloquium. Participation is free of charge.

We cordially invite you to meet top international tax experts at these
exciting lectures.

Click here for your personal invitation!

Past Events