Special Activities
Federal Fiscal Court Hearing
The focus of the event is an oral hearing at the Federal Fiscal Court (BFG). WU Vienna students are given the opportunity to participate in an oral hearing before the BFG in Vienna. The event usually takes place in both the winter and the summer semester.
Colloquium Series
For several years now the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law has been organizing seminars on various topics in the field of European and International Taxlaw (6 times a year). Experts and professionals in the field are invited to these seminars as guest speakers. Here you will find further information about the Colloquium Series.
IFA Events
The International Fiscal Association (IFA) Austria Branch organizes five to six events and plenary discussions on topics in the field of International Tax Law per year. Here you will find further information about the IFA Austria Events.
KPMG WU Workshops
These workshops are for students and interested persons who would like to have the opportunity to analyze and discuss cases on tax law in a theoretical and practical manner. They take place in German. The focus lies on current developments and their effects in practice. Here you can find further information about the KPMG WU Workshops.
KSW Evening Lectures
Together with the Austrian Chamber of Tax Advisers and Public Accountants (KSW - acronym in German), the Institute organizes a lecture series of three lectures per year. During these lectures, one of the professors from the Board of our Institute presents a topic of importance in their field of expertise. The topics covered go beyond the scope of tax advisors and are addressed to any interested person. The topics of the lectures can be consulted on our website and on the KSW website about a month prior to the events.
Master's Day
Are you interested in studying at WU Vienna? Get to know the unique WU campus at the WU Master's Day and learn more about our master's programs. Get insights into the WU's master's programs live on site or online.
Registration is required to attend the WU Master's Day!
Panel Discussion - Tax Lawyers
At this event, students and graduates are able to gain insights into the professional lives of lawyers in the field of tax law. After the discussion, representatives of the companies invite everyone to a buffet and are available for informal discussions and further questions. This panel discussion takes place once a year in the summer semester.
Panel Discussion - Tax Advisers
At this event, leading tax consultancy firms provide exciting insights from their daily work life and inform students and graduates about career opportunities. Afterwards, representatives of the companies invite the participants to a buffet to continue their exchange in a relaxed atmosphere. This panel discussion takes place once a year in the winter semester.
Semester Opening
This traditional event offers the opportunity for students and faculty to get together in a relaxed atmosphere at a nearby restaurant. It takes place at the start of each semester.
Semester Closing
At the end of each semester, we organize this event in cooperation with TPA. At this occasion, the TPA Best Presentation Awards are conferred for the best presentations in the Advanced Tax Law course. This is followed by a buffet and get-together for all participants in a relaxed atmosphere.
Tax Lunch Talks
Our Tax Lunch Talks offer a unique opportunity to look at new developments in the field of international tax law. They also promote direct exchange and collaboration between our academic staff, visiting scholars and LL.M. students. They take place three times per semester and each Talk focuses on tax law developments in a different country.
Welcome Reception Master Taxation and Accounting
Information evening for a perfect start to the Master's program and an opportunity to network with colleagues.
First-year students are given an insight into the academic work at the institute as well as an outlook on career opportunities alongside or after their studies.
Wolfgang Gassner Memorial Lecture
Our Institute organizes an annual a lecture in memoriam of Prof. Wolfgang Gassner, who was the founder of our Institute. Each year, a different distinguished professor presents a topic of relevance to Prof. Gassner's area of expertise and participants discuss the topic. Also during this event, the Wolfgang Gassner Science Prize is awarded for remarkable masters or doctoral theses.
Tax Top 30
As part of this event, around 30 of the current best tax law students are invited to a networking event with the Institute or with one of the Institute's most important practice partner companies.