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Master's Thesis

In their final semester students write a master's thesis that focuses on an economic research question analyzed using scientific methods. Students may choose their topic freely, subject to their advisor's consent. Find more information in the slides of the last info session held by Guido Schäfer or browse through the list of all potential supervisors at the Department of Economics including their main areas of research.


Students present their findings and results at the Master's Thesis Conference - a special course in conference-style format including panels, referees and open discussions offered every semester.

To get an idea about the diverse and fascinating topics our students worked on you can browse through the programs of previous Master’s Thesis Conferences.


In your last semester, you only have to re-register if your last grades (including master’s thesis) are entered in LPIS after March 31/October 31.

In case the grades are entered before that date, you do not have to re-register.

Usually, there will be a Master’s Thesis Conference taking place in mid-March/mid-October such that the course can be completed before the deadline.

Please take into account that once you submitted your master’s thesis via LEARN your supervisor has two months to grade it.