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Examination Week

Course examinations (Lehrveranstaltungsprüfungen, LVP exams)

Course examinations (Lehrveranstaltungsprüfungen, LVP exams) are held three times per semester during WU’s centrally organized large-scale exam weeks (see the academic calendar). You can only take a course examination if you have signed up for it in advance. You can sign up for course examinations even if you haven’t attended the corresponding course.

Students have to sign up for course examinations via the LPIS system during the applicable registration period. All students who sign up during the appropriate registration period are guaranteed a spot in the exam. Without exception, students who have not properly signed up will not be admitted to course examinations. Please note that WU’s no-show policy applies.

Please Note

Please don’t contact academic units or the Examinations Office and ask them to cancel your registration after the end of the registration period. Such requests cannot be accepted.

Exam Schedules

  • The examination schedules contain both a general overview of all examinations taking place in the examination week and separate examination schedules for the BA WISO 19/BA WIRE 16 curricula and the new BA WISO 23/BA WIRE 23 curricula.

  • The different plans can be accessed by using the buttons at the top of the PDF or by scrolling.

  • If you have started your studies in winter semester 2023 or have changed to the new curriculum, only the BA WISO 23/BA WIRE 23 curriculum is relevant for you. If you started your studies before winter semester 2023/24 and did not switch to the new curriculum, you have to follow the examination schedule BA WISO 19/BA WIRE 16.

    Exam weeks summer semester 2024

Exam schedule, 1st exam week, 2024 summer semesterExam coordinators
Exam schedule, 2nd exam week, 2024 summer semesterExam coordinators
Exam schedule, 3rd exam week, 2024 summer semesterExam coordinators
Exam weeks winter semester 2024/25 
Exam schedule, 1st exam week, 2024/25 winter semesterExam coordinators
Exam schedule, 2nd exam week, 2024/25 winter semesterExam coordinators
Exam schedule, 3rd exam week, 2024/25 winter semesterExam coordinators

Exam Dates and Locations

Exam locations are assigned after the end of the registration period. The exact exam dates and locations are announced on the dates indicated in the semester schedule.

They can be viewed on LPIS once they’ve been announced.

Campus map with WU’s exam locations

Please Note

Be sure to write down the exact time and location of your exam. If you go to the wrong location, you won’t be able to take your exam.

No-Show Policy for Course Examinations

If students who have registered for an examination fail to appear without appropriate notice, they will be blocked from the examination in question for a period of 10 weeks starting from the date of the missed exam (no-show rule). A no-show will not be counted as a lost examination attempt.

The submission of the no-show form and confirmation of the reason for absence has to be submitted exclusively ONLINE.

You can find the form to fill out and attach your confirmation here.

"No-show" confirmations can be uploaded until the beginning of the registration period for the following exam week (i.e. until Monday, 2:00 p.m., 2 weeks before the start of the exam week no-show confirmations will be accepted). Confirmations submitted late will not be considered!

Please note the Examination Regulations and the Guideline on the Administration of Examinations and the consequences of misconduct (in German) issued by the Vice-Rector for Academic Programs and Student Affairs.

Here you will find all information on Examination Attempts, Repeat Examinations, Examinations by a Panel, Grading Periods and much more.

Grade Statistics

Click the following link to view the current grade statistics for all bachelor’s program exams held as part of large-scale examination weeks.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Examinations Office team by email.