Recommended Workshops
Getting started in WU’s in-house training program
WU offers a wide selection of practically relevant continuing educational opportunities, available to you throughout your time at WU. From the start of your employment you are entitled to take workshops offered in WU’s in-house training program. A new course catalog focusing on different topics is published every semester. We’d like to offer you a preview of the seminars and workshops we’ll be offering in the 2025 summer semester to help you get your bearings, and we would also like to make some recommendations to help you find the best workshops for your particular stage of employment.
Regardless of which workshops you select in coordination with your supervisor, all workshops are free of charge and participation takes place during your working hours. However, if you cancel your registration after the deregistration deadline (two weeks prior to the starting date of the event) or if you do not attend, you will have to pay a cancellation fee in the amount of 50 euros per event.
At home at WU and in Austria: Learning German
WU sees itself as a bilingual university, which is why it is important that our employees can communicate with confidence in both German and English. Language skills can only improve with regular use, so we recommend actively working on your German skills on a regular basis. If you want to attend a German course, you have the opportunity of doing so within our WU in-house training program, where you can find a small selection of German language skill workshops, or at an external language school. Financial support for the latter is available upon application to the Personnel Development office. Further details on external language schools and the prerequisites for attending these courses you can find here. If you already speak sufficient German, you are welcome to attend any workshops in WU’s in-house training program taught in German. If you are not fluent in English yet, you are also welcome to attend a wide range of English language workshops.
Recommendations for administrative staff members:
There are two skill areas we consider particularly important for all positions at WU: communication (whether within your team, with supervisors, students, or colleagues in other units) and self-management (organizing your time and your work and meeting a variety of demands without becoming totally overwhelmed). Maybe one of the workshops below is for you:
Webinar: Veränderung als Chance: Growth Mindset trifft Theory U (in German)
Resilienz und mentale Stärke durch Mind-Leadership (in German)
Vor den Kopf gestoßen: Vom gelingenden Umgang mit Gesprächskillern (in German)
Blended Learning-Format: Begegnung im Gespräch. Wie Sie mit Worten gute Beziehungen gestalten (in German)
Soft Skills:
Workshop: Die Kunst der souveränen Moderation und Präsentation (in German)
Workshop: Effektiv & Souverän Teammeetings und Diskussionen moderieren (in German)
You can of course attend workshops from our entire WU In-House Training Program. You can find these with detailed course descriptions and registration options here. Use the various filters (for example “Workshop Language”) to find events that suit you.
Recommendations especially for academic staff members:
Every semester, we offer various workshops on the topics of soft skills, teaching, research and research methods as part of our WU In-House Training program. Below you find a selection of workshops in the current semester:
Soft Skills:
Knowledge Nugget: Data Management Plans – more than an administrative burden.
Webinar: Self-Marketing and Elevator Pitch: creating a self-promotional video
Research Methods:
Webinar: MAXQDA Introductory Course and Individual Counselling
Webinar: Applying the Gioia Method within the Grounded Theory Methodology
Further workshops to support you in your career as a scientist at WU can be found here with detailed course descriptions and registration options. Use the various filters (for example “Workshop Language”) to find the right events for you.