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Institute for Retailing & Data Science (RDS)RSS

Team 2024


[Translate to English:] Chalupka

Guest Lecture on Retail Strategy ALDI/HOFER

This week, Markus Chaloupka, Managing Director at HOFER Region East, delivered an informative and engaging guest lecture at the MSc Marketing program at WU Vienna, taking us through the history and…

[Translate to English:] Frösche

Guest Lecture on Key Account Marketing

Key account management as a strategic success factor! In his guest lecture, Michael Spitzer gave the students of the MSc Marketing - WU Vienna an insight into the responsibilities of a key account…

[Translate to English:] Gruppenbild

Semester Kickoff with Dreh und Trink

We kicked off the new semester with an exciting session of our guest speaker series “Praxisdialog”. To start, we had the pleasure of welcoming Kurt Hofer and Jonas Smietana from Dreh und Trink. The…

[Translate to English:] Titelbild

Experttalks in the Summerterm 2025

This semester, the Institute of Retailing & Data Science (RDS) is once again inviting renowned practitioners to give guest lectures at WU as part of our ‘Praxisdialog Handel und Marketing’ series.…

[Translate to English:] Projektpräsentation

Presentation: Music in retail

As part of the Retail Marketing Consulting course, students of the SBWL Retail and Marketing were commissioned by AKM in the winter semester 2024/25 to investigate the acceptance of background music…

[Translate to English:] Gruppenbild

Guest talk by Hannes Lindner

"50 Years of Location Analyses – Sounds Boring, Right?" Think Again! This week’s edition of our guest lecture series Praxisdialog proved just how fascinating location planning and consulting can be.…

[Translate to English:] Titelbild

Practical dialog with the Austrian Retail Association

This week's talk in our guest lecture series “Praxisdialog” focused on “The Art of Retail”. Rainer Will, Managing Director of the German Retail Association, took us on an exciting journey through the…

[Translate to English:] Titelbild

Guest lecture with Tina Schrettner, Ankerbrot

In our most recent edition of our guest lecturer series “Praxisdialog” Tina Schrettner, Head of Marketing at Ankerbrot, impressively demonstrated how brand purpose can improve a brand's performance.…

[Translate to English:] Kickoff

Retail Marketing Consulting semester kick-off

In the Retail Marketing Consulting course, we are starting the new semester with an exciting task. For AKM, we will be looking at the use of music in service environments and its influence on consumer…

[Translate to English:] Titel

Experttalk with Klaudia Kopeinig and Fini's Feinstes

How can this work? A commodity like flour, a price premium of 300% compared to the price entry-level price, brand awareness of 94% and clear market leadership with a household penetration of 31%.…