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[Translate to English:] Jens Seiffert-Brockmann

Storytelling in corporate newsrooms

The more newsroom structures determine corporate communications, the greater the importance of flexibility, flat hierarchies and individual autonomy, agile project teams, and a trial-and-error culture…

[Translate to English:] Jancsary

How city administrations use collaboration to tackle the challenges of the future

Global pandemics, migration, climate change: Complex problems cannot be tackled by individual organizations and collectives all by themselves. Collaboration is imperative. Dennis Jancsary has teamed…

[Translate to English:] Josef Zechner

Josef Zechner honored with Sharpe Award

The William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Financial Research is presented by the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA). The Award recognizes researchers who have most contributed…

[Translate to English:] Birgit Rudloff

Nash and Pareto: New findings in game theory

Risks and returns, price equilibria, or systemic risk – if a situation involves multiple criteria or actors, concepts such as the Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimality can help in decision-making. So…

[Translate to English:] Johanna Palcu

Personalizing masks to fight the spread of Covid

One of the most effective strategies in the fight against the pandemic is also one of the cheapest: FFP2 masks are an effective means for curbing the spread of COVID-19. So why are we seeing such a…

[Translate to English:] Alexander Mohr

Women in upper management increase sustainability

Multinational companies and their top management have a special role to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A team of researchers from WU (Vienna University of Economics and…

[Translate to English:] Victor Wegner Maus

Mining poses danger to the climate and biodiversity

For the first time, Earth observation satellite images allow researchers to make a comprehensive assessment of the global impact of mining activities. Victor Maus from WU’s Institute for Ecological…

[Translate to English:] Christian Laux

Did banks underreport losses and delay disclosures during the financial crisis?

Politicians, regulators, and pundits have criticized banks' financial reporting as a key culprit of the problem in the financial crisis 2008–2009 and have called for changes. But is the criticism…

[Translate to English:] Jonas Bunte

Best Book in International Political Economy: WU Researcher Honored

The International Political Economy Society (IPES) has honored Jonas Bunte, professor of international political economy at WU Vienna, for his book “Raise the Debt: How Developing Countries Choose…

[Translate to English:] WU Awards 2021

Turning the spotlight on excellence: A look back at the 2021 WU Awards

We give credit to the people behind WU Vienna’s outstanding research achievements.