Living in Vienna
Depending on wheter you are searching for short-term or long-term housing there are different options (please see below).
Hotel and Hostels
Maybe you will need to find temporary accommodation while deciding on a more permanent arrangement. Here is a useful link if you are looking for a hotel or hostel:
In the case that you have not found an accomodation so far, the online platform provides for students the possibilty to search for a time-limited flat/room.
Private accomodation
If you are interested in a private accommodation in Vienna: Wimdu-Website
Student housing
You can choose from a wide range of housing options. We recommend to apply as soon as possible!
Akademikerhilfe u.a. Studierendenwohnheim "Campus Studios"
Pfeilgasse 3a, 1080 Wien
Telephone: +43-1-40176 61
E-Mail: studentservice@akademikerhilfe.atCity Life Apartments
Eichenstraße 23, 1120 Wien
Telephone: +43-664-123-77-88
E-Mail: office@citylifeapartments.atHome4Students
Döblinger Hauptstraße 55, 1190 Wien
Telephone: +43-0-5-0447-111
Fax +43-0-5-0447-119
E-Mail: office@home4students.atLinked Living
Vorgartenstraße 204, 1020 Wien
Telephone: 0800-722-40-20 (free of charge from AT/D/CH)
International: +43-1-26-77220Milestone Studentenwohnheim
Nordportalstraße 2, 1020 Wien
Telephone: +43-1-919-5095OeAD-WohnraumverwaltungsGmbH
Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien
Telephone: +43-1-53408-800
Fax: +43-1-53408-899
E-Mail: housing@oead.atWU has reserved a number of rooms for international WU students in certain OeAD dorms. Please make sure you book your room via the OeAD housing website by May 15th for the following winter semester (or by November 15th for the following summer semester).
A place in a student residence offers several advantages, the most important one is proof of accommodation for visa purposes. Deposit: two times your monthly rent (will be refunded to you at the end of your stay, minus a cleaning fee and potential damages)ÖJAB-Studierendenwohnheime
Mittelgasse 16, 1060 Wien
Telephone: +43-1-5979735-0
Fax: +43-1-5979735-889
Mail: office@oejab.atSTUWO Gemeinnützige Studentenwohnbau AG
Strozzigasse 6-8, 1080 Wien
Telephone: +43-1-404-93-618
Fax: +43-1-404 93-678
E-Mail: bewerbung@stuwo.atWirtschaftshilfe der Arbeiterstudenten - WIHAST
Hirschengasse 23, 1060 Wien
Telephone: +43-1-59706-6233
Fax: +43-1-59996-76
Sharing an apartment
Many students prefer to share an apartment with colleagues, thereby benefitting from lower costs for accommodation. The National Students' Union database at provides a good overview of rooms available in shared accommodation (information available in German only).
Also take a view at:
Renting an apartment
Please be aware that not many apartments are rented directly by the owner, which means that you should expect to pay a real estate agent's fee in the amount of 2-3 months' rent (not a deposit, just the agent's fee). In addition, most rental agreements require 2-3 months' rent as a deposit. Most apartments are rented out unfurnished; however, if the apartment is already equipped with furniture or appliances, you will probably have to pay an "Ablöse" (a one-off payment; the amount depends on the furnishings). The duration of the agreement is usually between one and five years.
You can find ads for apartments in Austrian newspapers, their websites and specialized portals (all available in German only):