CEMS Alumni Stories
Akilnathan Logeswaran
CEMS Alumni of the Year 2018 – Young Leader Award
Akilnathan Logeswaran graduated from CEMS in 2015. He is currently a Digital Ambassador at GIZ GmbH (one of the world's largest development agencies) and holds a honorary position in the Advisory Council Co-Chair at the World Economic Forum Global Shapers.
In which way is your current role different than you expected it to be?
Coming back from the Private Sector (Consulting) to the Development / Impact Sector is definitely a challenge. However, I just recently started my new position and am looking forward to use the skills I learnt in the previous roles, apply and adapt them to this sector.
What’s the main career challenge you’re facing right now?
I’m perfectly happy were I am right now for I have just completed a long transformational process. For many months I had to fight an internal battle for the trade-off of learning more, but working only towards the profit gain of private corporations versus actually contributing to the society using my skills for the good of humanity, which I can still do in a very professional way. This is why it was clear to me that at this point I had to move into a role that was closer to impact.
How has your CEMS experience helped you in fulfilling your current role?
When I studied CEMS in 2013-2015 I started the CEMS International Development Group – a network for CEMSies interested in Foreign Affairs, Humanitarian & Development topics as well as International Politics. What might appear as a “simple” facebook group actually turned to be a powerful platform to exchange thoughts, but more importantly also opportunities and has led to at least 10-20 internships and jobs that I am aware of. Being in touch with so many fellow inspiring peers who contribute in the same field has helped to frequently question my work and the role I want to play.
Which were your favorite 3 CEMS-moments?
Puuuh, so many to choose from.
1.) Our CEMS Goes Kenya Trip meeting people from Social Businesses, leading Mobile Banking Experts, Slum Librarians, Chief Economists, Incubators, Professional Hackers, National Park Owners and many more.
2.) The incredible bond between all CEMSies who studied at the IIM and our spectacular Bollywood Dance performance in front of the entire campus.
3.) Serving the one and only CEMS Club Vienna organizing more than 100 events in just one academic year from Halloween Running Dinner with a closing Fundraising Parties, Corporate Bowling events to visiting the Opera. P.S. And of course out of the ranking should be the legendary CEMSational Boat Party in Budapest which shouldn’t need an explanation and should be a highlight of probably every CEMSie back in the days.
What has your CEMS experience taught you about life?
When entering the global CEMS network we made a choice. We made a choice to become global citizens. However locally-rooted we are cheering for our football teams, with every single semester we gain the friendship of fellow students from 30+ universities and even more nationalities. While prior to CEMS we might have overlooked international incidents, today we cannot. They affect us. Always. Because we have friends in all of these countries. Because we all belong to one family. We are one. Thus, I would not limit our CEMSies’ contribution to some small professional achievements, but rather the very definition of how we lead our lives.
Which message would you like to send to students that think about applying for CEMS?
1.) First of all, with CEMS you’re not only getting a degree, you’re getting a global network of peers who are always ready to support you. After a few semesters you can basically travel to almost any major city in the world and the chances that you can meet a CEMSie there are quite high.
2.) Choose your courses wisely. If you already have a background in International Management in your Bachelors it might not make sense to choose a school that focuses a lot on this part, but rather choose one that offers a completely different specialization as part of the CEMS program.
3.) Be proactive. To get the best out of any network and also generally in life the best thing is to go out and do things, especially if no one has done them yet! Organize that trip, build that Social Business, mobilize your peers around your cause – whatever it is, do it!
If you started all over with CEMS, what would you do different?
I did love my CEMS experience, so there’s hardly anything I would do differently. The only thing would probably be to set up fixed reunion dates (every 2-3 years) for my fellow CEMSies and myself at the graduation already, so they would be easier to organize.
Jan Schmitt
PhD Candidate @WU Vienna
Jan Schmitt graduated from CEMS in 2016. He is currently pursuing his PhD at WU Vienna.
In which way is your current role different than you expected it to be?
I never planned to do a PhD, but the overall WU experience and the support from professors convinced me that this career track is the best for me at the moment. It also allows me to further strengthen my ties to the CEMS community which is a very nice side-effect not only for my professional career, but also for my work-life balance.
How has your CEMS experience helped you in fulfilling your current role?
CEMS provided me with some valuable contacts and especially helped me in improving my soft skills (e.g. presentation skills, critical thinking, etc.). Those skills are crucial for any kind of career path, but are particularly helpful for both my teaching and my research activities at university.
Which is your favorite leisure time activity on WU campus?
(any activities from taking walks to enjoying the Glühweinstand are welcome) Summer on Campus is great (enjoying lunch outside, chilling in Prater or enjoying an After Work Cocktail)
Which were your favorite 3 CEMS-moments?
Overall CCV experience with the variety of events (special emphasis on the Welcome Weekends) and the community CEMS graduation in Stockholm with more than 1,000 fellow graduates CEMS exchange semester in Sydney with five unforgettable months of studying, travelling and partying.
What has your CEMS experience taught you about life?
Being highly ambitious in your career and enjoying life to the fullest are not mutually exclusive. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial and a great number of friends that I made during CEMS is constantly reminding me of that.
If you started all over with CEMS, what would you do different?
Really nothing. Enjoy the CEMS experience from the beginning on and contribute to shaping the CEMS spirit over your two years of studying.