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SROI analysis of the property management company "dahir"

The socio-economic property management company dageko GmbH in Graz brings social innovation to the classic concept of property management with its self-developed method dahir. For the socio-economic property management company dahir means connecting the owners of a property, their tenants and the property management company through constant communication. The method involves selecting new tenants on the basis of a personal interview. Proof of income plays no role in the selection process. Instead, care is taken to create a good living environment for all tenants in the building. In addition, two tenants in each property are appointed and paid as caretakers and integration pilots. They mediate between the different cultures and languages in the house and ensure that important rules are observed, such as waste separation. In the event of non-payment, the property management actively seeks dialogue with the tenants and develops solutions together with them. These can be payment in instalments or the property management helps tenants to assert their claims with state institutions. Tenants can also contact the property management if they have problems in other areas. They can help with telephone calls, deal with the authorities or refer tenants to corresponding services offered by other organisations.

An examination of the purely economic effects of dahir yields an SROI value of 1.41. If all impacts, i.e. the total profit, are related to the total investments of dahir, the SROI value is 4.73.

This means that every euro invested in the property management of dahir creates effects with a monetised equivalent value of 4.73 euros. This is a relatively high SROI value, which in the present case is due to a comparatively low financial outlay to achieve a variety of effects. All in all, the property management shows that personal communication and mutual understanding and appreciation creates a very high added value for society.

In summary, the socio-economic property management is very effective. The monetised impacts, related to the year 2017, were more than 4 times higher than the financial investments made.

Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Christian Grünhaus

Christian Grünhaus

Academic Director, Senior Researcher (prev. Schober)
Responsibilities: Work and research focus: Evaluation, SROI analyzes, financing, donation behavior, job satisfaction and motivation, care for the elderly, care for the disabled and accessibility