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Business plan for online fundraising activities of the Austrian Red Cross

In a short project, Christian Grünhaus and Gabriel Tanios from the NPO & SE Competence Center accompanied the creation of a business plan for the coordinated activities in the context of online fundraising for the entire Austrian Red Cross.

The aim of the project was to further develop the existing business plan for a company in which the online fundraising activities are to be bundled. The task of the NPO & SE Competence Center was firstly to carry out a plausibility check of the assumptions, secondly to prepare a brief market analysis of the online fundraising market and thirdly to accompany an existing working group on the topic.

The finalised business plan was presented to the national managers in spring 2018.

Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Christian Grünhaus

Christian Grünhaus

Academic Director, Senior Researcher (prev. Schober)
Responsibilities: Work and research focus: Evaluation, SROI analyzes, financing, donation behavior, job satisfaction and motivation, care for the elderly, care for the disabled and accessibility