WU Campus

Reference Management Software

Reference management software at WU

WU offers a university site license for the Citavi and EndNoteWeb reference management software. If you have any questions on how to use Citavi, EndNote Web, and other reference management software, please contact the WU University Library: library@wu.ac.at

Additional information can be found in the WU Library’s eLearning program – Fit4Research.


To get access to the Citavi software, please sign up with your WU email address on this page. You will then receive an email with further instructions for installing the software.

EndNote Web

To create an account, you need to use a computer within the WU network (PCs in the library, your laptop on campus, or via remote access from outside the campus).

On the website www.myendnoteweb.com you can register your account.


Zotero is an open source software and can be downloaded free of charge for the MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems at www.zotero.org.


WU holds licenses for the reference management programs Citavi and EndNote, and library staff will be happy to help you with them. Our specialists can also answer any questions you may have about the open source software Zotero and Juris-M: library@wu.ac.at

The WU Library offers Library Workshops on the use of Citavi, EndNote Web, Zotero, and Juris-M on a regular basis.