WU Campus

Terms of Use

5. The Rothschild/Steindl Collections

5.1. General information

These special collections were created to store materials from the estates of Kurt W. Rothschild and Josef Steindl that were entrusted to the WU University Library and make them available to the interested public. Each of the two special collections consists of two parts: first, the libraries from the estates of the two economists that are kept in a special room in the Central Library (see item 5.2), and second, archived materials from the estates (manuscripts, correspondence, biographical documents, etc.) that are made available in digital form (see item 5.3).

5.1.1. As a rule, the special collections can be used during the library front desk opening hours. Information about the current opening hours is available on the WU University Library website.

5.2. Terms of use for the Rothschild/Steindl collections

5.2.1. The Rothschild/Steindl collections can be used by all registered WU University Library users. Library users who would like to use the Rothschild/Steindl collections have to request access to the collections in advance. WU employees can use the ROOMS room booking tool to request access to the collections (room no. LC.6.203). WU students and registered WU University Library users who do not have access to ROOMS have to send an email to bibliothek@wu.ac.at. If the request for access to the special collections at the indicated date and time is approved, applicants receive a booking confirmation from the WU University Library.

5.2.2. The library user has to present the booking confirmation at the library front desk and acknowledge these terms of use in writing. After that, he or she receives the key card for the room and the keys for the display cabinets. From this time on, the user is held responsible for keeping the special collections secure and in orderly condition. In the event of loss of the key card, the regulations of the Schedule of Fees and Charges apply. The materials of the special collections must be treated with utmost care. To maintain the shelving order, users must not return the items to the shelves by themselves. Instead, used materials have to be placed on the designated returns shelf. When they have finished using the special collections and whenever they leave the room (even for short periods of time), users must lock the room. After finishing their work, users must return the key card and the display cabinet keys to the library front desk. As a general a rule, works from the special collections may only be used in room LC.6.203. For copying purposes, however, particularly for scanning works on the library premises, items may also be taken out of this room for short periods of time. Members of WU’s academic staff may also borrow up to 3 items for up to 2 weeks.

5.3. Terms of use for archived materials

5.3.1. The archived materials from the Rothschild/Steindl estates have been digitized. For legal reasons, however, only some of these materials are available free of charge and without prior registration. To gain access to the restricted archived materials, library users first have to obtain a special authorization from the WU University Library. To apply for such an authorization, users must send an email to bibliothek@wu.ac.at, informing the WU University Library in advance of the purpose for which they would like to use the materials, the starting date of their work, and the expected duration of their work. If the request is approved, the WU University Library will send the applicant an authorization that indicates the confirmed starting date. Before users can access the restricted materials, they must present the authorization and an official photo ID at the library front desk, and they also have to acknowledge the terms of use for the Rothschild/Steindl collections (item 5 of these Library Regulations) in writing.

5.3.2. As a rule, the materials can only be accessed digitally. For reasons of preservation, it is not possible for library users to access the hard copy originals.

5.3.3. The restricted materials can be accessed at specially designated single-user computers in the WU University Library. For legal reasons, users are not allowed to make any digital copies of these materials (e.g. by taking photos of the computer screen with cameras, smartphones, etc.).

5.3.4. The authorization to access the non-public archived materials from the Rothschild/Steindl estates does not include an authorization to publish any of these materials. Any publication (in full or in part) requires prior approval by the WU University Library. If the WU University Library gives its permission to publish certain materials, no rights of use for the materials in question are granted. Any existing rights to the materials from the Rothschild/Steindl estates remain unaffected by permissions to publish certain materials. If a permission is granted to publish certain materials, WU bears no responsibility whatsoever for the legality of the publication. It is the sole responsibility of the library user to ensure that any third-party rights relevant to the publication in question are respected, in particular any copyrights and personality rights that may apply. In the event of publication of archived materials, it is also the sole responsibility of the user to ensure that any personality rights (including personality rights that protect a person’s image and personal letters) are respected, that all personal data protection regulations covering all data subjects concerned (in particular, authors, close relatives, and people who are mentioned in or can be identified from the archived materials) are adhered to, and that all other legitimate interests of any other third parties are respected. The liability of library users is personal and unlimited, pursuant to the applicable legal regulations.

5.3.5. For any use of archived materials, the source reference “WU University Library” must be included at least once in full (unabbreviated). In academic publications, this source reference must be given together with the shelf mark of the work in question. For any works that use archived materials, any revised subsequent editions of such works, and any other subsequent uses of archived materials, users are required to submit a reference copy to the WU University Library free of charge and on their own initiative. This also applies to unpublished academic works. For electronic publications, a reference copy on a suitable medium must be submitted to the archives.

5.3.6. By authorizing users to copy, photocopy, photograph, or publish certain materials, WU does not forfeit its own rights to use these materials for any purpose or authorize third parties to use them.