Project news:
04.08.2022: "Sharing Economy: Nutzer wollen primär Geld sparen"
04.08.2022: "Sharing Economy: Nutzer wollen primär Geld sparen"
04.08.2022: Salzburger Nachrichten "Sharing Economy: Nutzer wollen primär Geld sparen"
04.08.2022: APA Report "Sharing Economy: Nutzer wollen primär Geld sparen"
25.08.2021: "Kaufen Sie noch oder teilen Sie schon?" - Interview with Eva Hofmann in Ö1
- Sharing_Economy_and_the_Issue_of__Dis_Trust_Flyer.pdf (pdf, 216 KB)
29.11.2018: der Standard - report on the Sharing Economy: The business of sharing - Interview with Eva Hofmann
12.11.2018: - Community gardeners want clearer rules, but no penalties
12.07.2018: Children's University - On 12th July 2018, 25 interested children between the ages of 7 and 9 of the "Kinderuni Wien" participated in the workshop "Teilen - Borgen - Tauschen". Using examples, stories, games, an open bookshelf, and a community garden trip, Sarah Marth, MSc's young students were introduced to the sharing economy as a modern way of sharing, borrowing and swapping.
09.-12.07.2018: Successful track and presentation at the Macromarketing Conference in Leipzig:
Track: „Sharing Economy as Complementary Economy?” Track Chairs are Elfriede Penz, Barbara Hartl und Eva Hofmann
Präsentation: Hofmann, E., Hartl, B., Penz, E., Marth, S., & Sabitzer, T. (2018). Sharing economy: Power, trust and cooperation. 43rd Annual conference oft he Macromarketing Society, Leipzig, Germany, 9th-12th July, 2018.

27.-29.06.2018: Ishare Conference - The team of the project "Collaborative Consumption" presented at the 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy in Mannheim, Germany:
Hartl, B., Penz, E., Schüßler, E., & Hofmann, E. (2018). Shared mobility business models - Trust building in the Sharing Economy. 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Mannheim, Germany, 28.-29.06.
Hofmann, E, Hartl, B., Sabitzer, T., Marth, S., Penz, E., &. Hoelzl, E. (2018). Regulating consumers’ contributions and usage of a shared good. An experimental approach. 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Mannheim, Germany, 28.-29th June 2018.
Marth, S., Hartl, B. & Penz, E. (2018). Peer-to-peer platforms in the sharing economy - The role of trust mechanisms and regulation. 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Mannheim, Germany, 28th-29th June 2018.
Sabitzer, T., Hartl, B., Hofmann, E., &. Penz, E. (2018). Sustainability as a reason to enter the sharing economy, or just a nice bonus?. 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Mannheim, Germany, 28.-29th June 2018.

19.06.2018: Visit of the Vienna Business School Akademiestraße: On 19 June 2018, a class of the Vienna Business School Akademiestraße was visiting the WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business. After a lecture by Sarah Marth, MSc on the sharing economy and our research project, the students were shown round the WU Campus with its sharing offers (free library and community gardens). In the afternoon, according to the students' syllabus, there was a practice-related presentation on the topic of statistics, as well as demonstrations for simple statistical evaluation with the help of SPSS.
13.04.2018: The FWF project is represented at the Long Night of Research at the JKU in Linz with an interactive poster on the "Sharing Economy"

January, 2018: Mag. Dr. Barbara Hartl receives funding for "WU Kleinprojekte von Assistentinnen" for her project "Sustainable at home, polluter on holiday? An empirical study on sustainable behavior on holiday"
23.12.2017: Die Presse - Report on the Sharing Economy - Share goods without dire consequences
12.12.2017: Presentation of the project at FWF-Roadshow
15.11.2017: NACHHALTIG - reisen? kleiden? essen?
10.09.2017: press releases to the the topic "Nachhaltiges Reisen - was Gütesiegel und Zertifikate wirklich bringen":
Salzburger Nachrichten / Vorarlberg Online / Tiroler Tageszeitung
/ Vienna Online / Volksblatt / / Salzburg24 / Relevant - Best of Media /
02.08.2017: press release to the the topic "Nachhaltiges Reisen - was Gütesiegel und Zertifikate wirklich bringen":
26.07.2017: press release to the the topic"Nachhaltiges Reisen - was Gütesiegel und Zertifikate wirklich bringen": WU-Presseaussendung
Already in 2017, the FWF project "Collaborative consumption" will have two presentations at conferences:
06.07.2017-08.07.2017: At the EGOS 2017 (, the project will be presented by Barbara Hartl and Eva Hofmann with the lecture "Trust & power in the sharing economy: An experimental approach" .
29.06.2017-01.07.2017: On the SASE 2017 ( the project will be presented by Barbara Hartl and Eva Hofmann with the lecture "Sharing economy platforms-Applying trust mechanisms to substitute the lack of regulation?"
02.05.2017: Start of the Project at the WU
other news - sharing economy:
30.10.2017: press release "Der Standard" - AirBnB guest killed