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marketmind Best Thesis Award 2018

For the fifth time, the marketmind Best Thesis Award was given to the best theses of the MSc Marketing program. Sponsored by the Austrian company marketmind, the award honors the efforts taken by MSc…

Case Study with Procter & Gamble

We are very happy that Procter & Gamble again enriched this year's kick-off with a great case study. Our new-born marketeers did a great job working on the case of a brand new Gilette product.…

Welcome Class of 2018!

The MSc Marketing program welcomes its 7th cohort! Our new-born Marketing students form a diverse and international group and come from 12 different countries around the globe. Our World-Café provided…

MSc Marketing Welcome Picnic

To celebrate the start of the new semester and get to know the new students the MSc Marketing Club hosted a picnic for the new cohort, second year students and alumni on Sept 29. The picnic took place…

Welcome to Vienna

We wish all beginners of our master’s program a good start at WU. Safe travels and lots of new experiences to all incoming students - Vienna is awaiting you! See you next week, we are looking forward…

MSc Marketing Alumna Carlotta Belviso Presents Research Paper at PICMET 2018 (Hawaii)

We are very proud that former MSc Marketing student Carlotta Belviso, who graduated from WU one year ago, was given the opportunity to present her research paper on the "pre-adoption of Socially…

Marketing for Kids

While our first year students take a well-deserved break from their studies and our second year students finalize their master's theses, we try to engage future generations of marketing leaders at…

WU building surrounded by flowers

Happy Summer Holidays!

Summer has arrived and another semester is coming to an end! We wish you all the best for your well-deserved holidays, good luck for your internships, and we are looking forward to seeing you again…

Marketing Study Project: Congratulations to our 5th cohort!

Congratulations to the 5th cohort of WU’s MSc Marketing, who just finished their last course „Marketing Study Project“. We wish you all the best for the finalization of your thesis! Have a great…

Maria Zavarska receives Talenta Award 2018

MSc Marketing graduate Maria Zavarska recently won the Talenta Award 2018 with her master’s thesis titled “The Buzz Worth Spreading: How Constructed Buzz Can Influence Sales of a Small Business”. This…