Blick in das LC Gebäude

Thomas Reutterer

Deutsche Version

Dr. Thomas Reutterer is Professor of Marketing at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). His expertise is in analyzing, modeling and forecasting customer behavior in data-rich environments. His research, teaching and business consulting activities center around retail and service marketing, customer relationship management, and marketing models for customer-base analysis. In his research projects, he employs advanced statistical methods, machine learning and AI-enabled tools to provide decision support for various business applications. His research was published in leading scholarly journals including Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Decision Support Systems, and Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Professor Reutterer is head of WU's Institute for Marketing and Customer Analytics and served as founding academic director of WU's Master's Program (MSc) in Marketing. He held visiting and substitute professorial positions at universities in St. Gallen, Wollongong, Frankfurt/Main, Munich, and Sydney. He worked for a few years as a full-time consultant with Simon-Kucher & Partners, Marketing & Strategy Consultants and took different roles in university spin-offs and business start-ups, which give his research and teaching activities a strong focus on issues of managerial relevance.

Thomas Reutterer serves as a reviewer for numerous academic journals in and outside Marketing and was a co-editor of Managerial Review Quarterly (MRQ). His research and teaching has been awarded several prizes. Among others, he was a member of the finalists' teams for the "INFORMS Society of Marketing Science Practice Prize", which is awarded for outstanding implementations of marketing science concepts and methods.


The courses delivered by Professor Reutterer cover subjects such as Marketing and Customer Analytics, Retail and Service Marketing, as well as Customer Relationship and Customer Value Management. He teaches classes at the Undergraduate, Graduate, PhD level, and Executives. Thomas Reutterer is an ITP Alumni and participated in the Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning (GloColl) at Harvard Business School. 

[Current classes instructed by Thomas Reutterer]

Selected Publications

  • Optimizing Production Relocation Timing Decisions, by Gila Fruchter, Ashutosh Prasad, and Thomas Reutterer, Production and Operations Management, 33(7), 1591-1611, 2024. [Abstract] [PDF Article]

  • Understanding Customer Participation Dynamics: The Case of the Subscription Box, by Nita Umashankar, Kihyun Hannah Kim, and Thomas Reutterer, Journal of Marketing, 87(5), 719-735, 2023. [Abstract] [AMA Press Release] [PDF Article]

  • Customer base analysis with recurrent neural networks, by Jan Valendin, Thomas Reutterer, Michael Platzer, and Klaudius Kalcher, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(4), 988-1018, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF Article]

  • Frontiers: Supporting Content Marketing with Natural Language Generation, by Martin Reisenbichler, Thomas Reutterer, David Schweidel, and Daniel Dan, Marketing Science, 41(3), 441-452, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF Article]

  • A Deep Recurrent Nerual Network Approach to Learn Sequence Similarities for User-Identification, by Stefan Vamosi, Thomas Reutterer and Michael Platzer, Decision Support Systems, 155, 113718, 2022. Open Access Article

  • Leveraging Purchase Regularity for Predicting Customer Behavior the Easy Way, by Thomas Reutterer, Michael Platzer, and Nadine Schröder, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38 (1), 194-215, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF Article]

  • Data analytics in a privacy-concerned world, by Jaap Wieringa, P.K. Kannan, Xiao Ma, Thomas Reutterer, Hans Risselada, and Bernd Skiera, Journal of Business Research, 122, 915-925, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF Article]

  • Analyzing the Browsing Basket: A Latent Interests-Based Segmentation Tool, by Nadine Schröder, Andreas Falke, Harald Hruschka, and Thomas Reutterer, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 47, 181-197, 2019. [Abstract] [PDF Article]

  • Ticking Away the Moments: Timing Regularity Helps to Better Predict Customer Activitiy, by Michael Platzer and Thomas Reutterer. Marketing Science, 35 (5), 779-799, 2016. PDF Article Video Clip

  • How to derive consensus among various marketing journal rankings?, by Stefan Theußl, Thomas Reutterer and Kurt Hornik, Journal of Business Research, 67 (5), 998-1006, 2014. Abstract

  • GIS-Based Marketing Decisions – Effects of Alternative Data Visualizations on Decision Quality, by Ana-Marija Ozimec, Martin Natter and Thomas Reutterer. Journal of Marketing, 74 (November), 94-110, 2010. Abstract

  • A Combined Approach for Segment-Specific Analysis of Market Basket Data, by Yasemin Boztug and Thomas Reutterer. European Journal of  Operational Research (EJOR), 187 (1), 294-312, 2008. PDF Article

  • An Assortmentwide Decision-Support System for Dynamic Pricing and Promotion Planning in DIY Retailing, by Martin Natter, Thomas Reutterer, Andreas Mild and Alfred Taudes. Marketing Science, 26 (4), 576-583, 2007. PDF Article

  • Data Mining und Marketing am Beispiel der explorativen Warenkorbanalyse, von Thomas Reutterer, Michael Hahsler und Kurt Hornik. Marketing - Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis (ZFP), 29 (3), 163-179, 2007. PDF Article

  • A Dynamic Segmentation Approach for Targeting and Customizing Direct Marketing Campaigns, by Thomas Reutterer, Andreas Mild, Martin Natter and Alfred Taudes. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 20 (3/4), 43-57, 2006. PDF Article

  • A Review of Methods for Measuring Willingness-to-Pay, by Christoph Breidert, Michael Hahsler and Thomas Reutterer. Innovative Marketing, 2 (4), 8-32, 2006. PDF Article

  • An improved collaborative filtering approach for predicting cross-category purchases based on binary market basket data, by Andreas Mild and Thomas Reutterer. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10 (3), 123-133, 2003. PDF Article

  • Segmentation-based competitive analysis with MULTICLUS and topology representing networks, by Thomas Reutterer and Martin Natter. Computers & Operations Research, 27, 1227-1247, 2000. PDF Article (neural network learning)

  • A Nonparametric Approach to Perceptions-Based Market Segmentation: Applications, by Christian Buchta, Sara Dolnicar and Thomas Reutterer. Wien, New York: Springer, 2000.Interdisciplinary Studies in Economics and Management. ISBN 3-211-83474-5 [more details] 

[Full List of Publications]

Research in Progress (Selection)

  • Applying Large Language Models to Sponsored Search Advertising, with Martin Reisenbichler and David Schweidel (working paper version available here).

  • Differentially Private Target Marketing, with Gilian Ponte, Tom Boot and Jaap Wieringa (work in progress).

  • Funding Mechanisms for Higher Education: A Marketing Perspective, with Daniel Halbheer, Gila E. Fruchter and Eitan Gerstner (Available at SSRN).

  • Profitability Dynamics in Evolving Firm-Customer Relationships, with Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter and Stefan Pittner (work in progress).

  • Optimal Incentivizing to Foster Cross-Selling in Vertically Integrated Firms, with Ulrich Berger (work in progress).