3 new professors to strengthen WU’s profile
We are pleased to welcome 3 new senior faculty members who are joining WU’s ranks in September.
Professor Christoph Krönke, Department of Public Law and Tax Law
Christoph Krönke, aged 37, earned his doctoral degree from LMU Munich in 2013, with a dissertation on the procedural autonomy of the EU’s member states. After his practical legal training from 2012 to 2014, including a stint in the cabinet of the president of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), he worked as an academic staff member at LMU Munich. From 2015 to 2017, he worked on the topic of governmental paternalism as part of the University of Chicago’s interdisciplinary Enhancing Life Project. In 2020, Christoph Krönke obtained his venia docendi from LMU Munich for a thesis on public digital business law. In February 2020, he was one of the experts who participated in a European Parliament hearing on artificial intelligence in criminal law. Since the beginning of 2020, he has also been a member of the Münch Foundation’s expert committee on digital alter egos in healthcare. Christoph Krönke is looking forward to his new role as a professor of public law at WU Vienna. He says, “Public business law deals with the full spectrum of business life and a wide variety of legal areas, which I’m looking forward to working on at WU. In my research and teaching, I’ll be looking especially at digitalization, social and ecological sustainability in business and society, and the European and international aspects of public business law.”
Professor Monika Polzin, Department of Public Law and Tax Law
Monika Polzin, aged 43, earned her doctoral degree from Kiel University (CAU) in 2004. In her doctoral thesis, she worked on unilateral declarations of interpretation in the context of multilateral agreements. While working on her doctoral research, she was a research assistant at the University of Basel (Switzerland). She completed her practical legal training in Munich and Beijing, and obtained her LL.M. in international law as a Hugo Grotius Scholar at New York University. After that, she worked as a lawyer, before being appointed as a junior professor of public law with a focus on international law at the University of Augsburg. In 2017, she obtained her venia docendi from Goethe University Frankfurt and then held several temporary professorships, for instance at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and LMU Munich. She also served as a member of the Bavarian Constitutional Court and as an expert advising the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia. Her main research interests are international treaty law, constitutional identity, the relationship between international and national law, and the question of immutable limits to constitutional changes. “I’m looking forward to teaching stimulating international courses on international and European law at WU. I’m planning to focus especially on the interpretive jurisdiction and legitimacy of international courts,” says Monika Polzin, new professor of public law at WU.
Professor Klaus Prettner, Department of Economics
Klaus Prettner, aged 37, earned his doctoral degree from the University of Vienna in 2009. From 2008 to 2011, he worked as an academic staff member at the Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. From 2011 to 2012, he held a post-doc position at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Harvard University, and from 2012 to 2014, he joined the chair of macroeconomics and development at the University of Göttingen as an assistant professor. In 2014, he obtained his venia docendi in mathematical economics from TU Wien. He then went on to work as a professor of growth and distribution at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart. Since 2017, he has been the speaker of the Inequality and Economic Policy Analysis (INEPA) network. In his research, he focuses on topics such as the economic effects of automation, the connection between long-term economic growth and the development of inequality, and the effects of demographic change on economic growth and prosperity. Starting his new role in September, Klaus Prettner has ambitious plans for his position as professor of macroeconomics and digitalization at WU: “I’m planning to model and analyze the effects of the current wave of digitalization on long-term economic growth and the development of inequality. In my teaching activities, I’d like to introduce new digital formats, both to give students access to a wider range of study materials and also to strengthen direct interaction with the students and help them better grasp digitally taught content.”