Research visit of Prof. Joanna T. Campbell and Prof. Ryan Krause

Location: Starting on 21 October 2024 at 14:46

Last week, Joanna Campbell and Ryan Krause visited us at the Institute for Organization Design in Vienna!

Joanna is a professor of Management at the University of Cincinnati focusing on top executives, corporate governance, and configurational theory. Ryan is a professor of Strategy at Texas Christian University and has a research focus on boards of directors, strategic leadership, top management teams and stakeholder management.

Discussing our research on strategic leadership and corporate governance with them was extremely insightful and sparked some new ideas and directions. We also greatly benefitted from their extensive experience with publishing in top-tier journals and serving on leading journals' editorial boards!

Thank you so much for our fantastic discussions and for your very helpful feedback on our research projects. We look forward to having you back soon!

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