FSP webinar with Jana Oehmichen

Location: Starting on 04 November 2021 at 11:51

We ended this Female Scholar Program year with an very interesting webinar on December 9, 2021 with 

Prof. Dr. Jana Oehmichen

Head of the Institute for Organization, Human Resources and Management Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. 

She is a Full Professor of Organization, Human Resources, and Management Studies at the JGU Mainz. In her research, she is interested in corporate governance, incentive systems, board composition, ownership structure, strategic change, and digital strategy.

Prof. Oehmichen shared her view and experience on the following topic:

Networks, Resilience, and Work-Life-Balance – Paths towards a sustainable academic career

We thank Prof. Oehmichen for sharing her insights, knowledge and experiences with our female scholar community.

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