FSP webinar with Christine Beckman

Location: Starting on 05 October 2022 at 16:52

We started off our winter semester 2022 with a webinar with Prof. Dr. Christine Beckman, Price Family Chair in Social Innovation and Professor at the USC Price School of Public Policy, USC, CA, USA.

Christine Beckman is the Price Family Chair in Social Innovation and Professor at the USC Price School of Public Policy, with courtesy appointments at the Marshall School of Business and in the Department of Sociology. Her recent book, Dreams of the Overworked: Living, Working and Parenting in the Digital Age (Stanford University Press), is an ethnographic account of the pre-COVID challenges of working parents and their aspirations to be Ideal Workers, Perfect Parents and Ultimate Bodies. She and her co-author, Melissa Mazmanian, highlight how technology intensifies these myths of perfection, celebrates the people who actually do the work of scaffolding the dreams of those around them, and reveals the hidden sources of gender inequality in everyday life. She is the current Editor in Chief at Administrative Science Quarterly. She is a past Division Chair of the Organization and Management Division at AOM. 

Prof. Beckman shared her view on Managing Work and Life in the Digital Age.

Thank you very much Prof. Beckman for sharing your expertise, personal experiences and advice with our female scholar community!

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