Double Degree: One Degree Program – Two Degrees

Location: Starting on 20 May 2014 at 11:13

A high degree of internationalization is one of WU’s primary strategic goals. By launching an increasing number of MSc-level double degree programs, WU is breaking new ground in this area. WU’s double degree programs are exclusive MSc programs offered jointly with selected top-level partner universities. The new double degree agreement with Milan’s Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi was signed in Vienna during a formal ceremony on May 12, 2014. It is intended to further strengthen WU’s long-standing and successful partnership with this prestigious Italian university.

Double Degree: One Degree Program – Two Degrees

A high degree of internationalization is one of WU’s primary strategic goals. By launching an increasing number of MSc-level double degree programs, WU is breaking new ground in this area. WU’s double degree programs are exclusive MSc programs offered jointly with selected top-level partner universities. The new double degree agreement with Milan’s Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi was signed in Vienna during a formal ceremony on May 12, 2014. It is intended to further strengthen WU’s long-standing and successful partnership with this prestigious Italian university.

The new double degree program with Università Bocconi is a four-semester MSc program. What makes this program special is that students complete the first year of their studies at their home university and then spend the second year studying abroad at the partner university. This program structure allows students to obtain two high-quality, internationally recognized degrees without spending more time than on a regular degree program.

Two of WU’s MSc programs offer the option of completing a double degree: As part of the Master Program in Strategy, Innovation and Management Control (SIMC), the new agreement with Università Bocconi adds to existing double degree partnerships with the Queen’s School of Business, Canada, and St. Petersburg University. It also creates new double degree exchange places for students of the Master Program in Marketing. WU students can now obtain double degrees from a total of three renowned partner universities. Plans are to add further double degree agreements in the future.

Double degree programs guarantee that courses completed abroad are equivalent to the corresponding courses at WU. Another advantage is that double degree program students do not have to pay any tuition fees at the host university. The double degree programs aim to help students broaden their academic and methodological horizon by developing a new perspective on their field of study in the host country. They learn to see a fuller, more complete picture of their field, put it in an intercultural context, and develop a deeper understanding of it. Full participation in regular university and campus life at the host institution also helps double degree students to establish contact with their fellow students abroad and build valuable international networks.

With Università Bocconi, WU has found a double degree partner of equal academic stature. Università Bocconi is known for its international orientation and has an excellent academic reputation. With about 15,000 students, Università Bocconi figures among the most renowned business schools in Europe. WU and Università Bocconi are both members of the international networks CEMS (The Global Alliance in Management Education) and PIM (Partnership in Management), which aim to promote dialog and exchange between leading business and economics universities. Università Bocconi is also one of the few elite universities worldwide with a “triple crown” accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of MBAs (AMBA), and the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS).

More and more business schools are offering joint and double degree programs in response to growing international competition. The goal of these programs is give graduates an ideal preparation for careers in a dynamic, global environment.

Contact: Melanie Hacker
PR Manager

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