Book contribution "Thoughts on the present and future of the Austrian welfare state"

Location: Starting on 10 May 2024 at 10:44

In the book contribution "Thoughts on the present and future of the Austrian welfare state", written by Karin Heitzmann for the anthology "The welfare state as a guarantor of democracy" published by the Chamber of Labour for Carinthia, the aim is to categorise the current Austrian welfare state and develop ideas for its further development. To do so, the first chapter presents a conceptual framework for the analysis. The first step is to identify the (political) objectives of social policy, which are to be determined by means of indicators for monitoring the achievement of objectives. The second step involves analysing the measures to be examined in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency. Finally, the third step analyses the actors who implement the social policy measures, i.e. who regulate, offer or finance them. The second chapter uses the conceptual framework to categorise current social policy in Austria, before the third chapter, again drawing on the conceptual framework, discusses options for the further development of a sustainable welfare state. Reforms of the existing welfare system are outlined and alternative welfare state concepts (social investment state, welfare rights state, guarantee of an unconditional basic income) are discussed.

Heitzmann, Karin (2024). Gedanken zu Gegenwart und Zukunft des österreichischen Sozialstaats. In: AK Kärnten (Hrsg.). Der Sozialstaat als Garant für Demokratie, S. 18-37. Klagenfurt: ÖGB-Verlag.

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