Paving the way for our new MSc Marketing students
Embarking on a new chapter in life, particularly when moving to a different city or country, can bring a mix of excitement and stress. Recognizing this, the MSc Marketing management team and the students club WUMA have taken the initiative to support all new students with practical information and valuable insights before the start of their studies at WU. With a diverse and vibrant international student community from all corners of the globe, we value the exchange of experiences when it comes to moving to Vienna to pursue the MSc Marketing at WU.
To assist our new students, we hosted two info sessions in May and June, specifically tailored for those who will start the MSc Marketing program in the upcoming winter semester of 2023. We give a big shout-out to our first-year students Sorana Pasc (Romania), Kristiyan Delchev (Bulgaria), Ayush Ranka (India) and Zahra Sadeghyar (Austria) for sharing their experiences and insights.
These information sessions were designed to alleviate the concerns and uncertainties commonly faced, especially by international students who need to relocate to Vienna for their studies. By sharing their personal experiences, our first-year students aimed to ease the transition and help our new students navigate their way in this new environment with greater confidence. Here is a short recap of the most important information that we shared with our future students in those online sessions.
Moving to Vienna
Administrative: After moving to Vienna, one must register at an address (Meldezettel) within 3 days. Previously, it was possible to register via email. Currently, you are obliged to present documents in person, at any Registration Service Office. You are also obligedto have valid health insurance during your stay in Austria. For EU and EEA members, your current health insurance will (likely) be sufficientfor Austria (European Health Insurance Card). Please check with your countries’ rules and regulations regarding this topic.
Accommodation: In case of private accommodation, we recommend looking for a flat from middle of July onward (e.g., WG-Gesucht, Housing Anywhere). For a dorm, we recommend applying for a room as soon as you accept the admission offer. (e.g., OEAD, ÖJAB, STUWO, VIENNABASE).
Transportation: For students under 26, the Semesterkarte (75€) is available for September – January (winter semester) & February – June (summer semester). During the summer vacation (July – August), there is a Ferienmonatskarte (29,50€/month). For students older than 26, an annual transportation pass (Jahreskarte) costs 365€.
Finances: If you do not already have an Austrian or EU bank account, we highly recommend that you open one to make your stay in Austria easier. To open a bank account, you need a valid phone number and address registration first. Popular banks among students are N26, Revolut, Erste Bank and Raiffeisenbank.
Phone & internet: Spusu has the lowest phone rates for all students wanting to have more minutes for EU-wide calls. Educom is the telecommunications company in Austria with the cheapest rates currently and they are tailor-made for students. For fast-speed internet at good rates, choose Magenta.
German: If you plan to stay in Vienna after your Masters, you will face some difficulty to secure a job without any German knowledge. Therefore, we highly encourage our students to learn German during the Master's program in order to increase thier chances on the job market. Language courses in Vienna are offered by WU Business Language Center, UniWien Sprachenzentrum, Deutsch Akademie, etc.
Sports: USI Wien is a platform providing a variety of sports options at reduced rates for students. MyClubs and ClassPass offer access to multiple fitness and yoga studios, boxing classes, climbing, dancing, etc. If interested in biking, the city bike rental WienMobil Radverleih is available throughout Vienna.
Studying at WU
Enrollment: You are required to enroll in person on campusto complete your registration in the program. The enrollment period is from July 10th to September 21st, 2023, at the Study Service Center. For any questions regarding enrollment, you should contact
Classes: Classes start in the last week of September. There are classes almost every day and the program lays a great focus on project work and peer evaluation.
Exchange semester/Double Degree: Exchange takes place during the 3rd semester as an alternative to taking elective courses at WU and there are 94 recommended universitiesfor the Marketing program. In the case of the Double Degree with Bocconi in Milan, it takes place during the whole 2nd year.
WUMA: WU Marketing Master Association (WUMA) is the official MSc Marketing Club and their motto is “BY students FOR students”. WUMA’s goal is to cultivate a sense of community among the MSc Marketing students, provide new insights and organize exciting social and corporate events each semester.
We extend a warm welcome to all new students and look forward to meeting them at the MSc Marketing kick-off course this fall!