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Celebrating 10 years of master’s programs at WU


Ten years ago in 2007, WU launched its first master’s programs. In doing so, WU was amongst the forerunners of Austrian universities to implement the three cycles Bologna system (i.e. bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees). In her celebration speech, vice-rector Edith Littich commemorated the initiation of WU’s master’s programs. Today, WU offers a total of 15 master’s programs (8 in English and 7 in German) with more than 4000 alumni. Since its creation, 162 students have successfully finished the MSc Marketing program.

Assoc. Prof. Christina Holweg (Program Director) and Mag. Astrid Oberhumer (Program Manager) celebrated together with the team of the vice-rectorate, vice-rector Edith Littich, Dr. Oliver Vettori, and former vice-rector Karl Sandner, as well as with Prof. Thomas Reutterer (founding director of the MSc Marketing program).

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