Zwei Studierende sitzen im Audimax

Boost data visualization to the max!


Everybody wants to master Excel, and every company is using it. But what about Power BI (Business Intelligence)?

«Have you ever used Microsoft’s Power BI before? », our students were asked in the first hour of the course “Excel and Business Intelligence Skills for Business Professionals”. Most of them had never heard of it before. Power BI is a business analytics service that helps creating insightful dashboards and visualizations.

The students discovered with excitement how interesting and fun it was to build race charts and other graphs. Interactive dashboards brought data visualization to a whole different level.

It’s extremely rewarding to learn new practical skills and apply them right away. No theory, just practice. At last, Power BI skills are ready to be added to their resumes!

The video below gives you a quick insight into the learnings of this great course!

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