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MSc Marketing Class of 2015

Welcome Class of 2015!

The MSc Marketing program welcomes its 4th cohort

Bocconi Double Degree slots increased

We are happy to announce that the available slots for the Double Degree Program with Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi will be increased to 3.

marketmind Best Thesis Award

MSc Marketing students of the 2nd cohort run for the first "marketmind Best Thesis Award"

Brandstorm Challenge

L’Oréal Brandstorm Challenge 2015

Students of WU’s MSc in Marketing win Austrian tournament

Successful participation at ISCONTOUR 2015

MSc Marketing Student participated at the International Student Conference in Tourism Research 2015 in Salzburg

Graduation Ceremony 2014

First MSc Marketing Graduation

The first cohort of MSc Marketing students graduated from WU!