Studierende sitzen auf den Holzinseln vor dem D2

Further Contacts and Support Services

On this page, you can find links to some selected contacts, institutions, and services for students with impairments. The BeAble team is available for face-to-face advice and will gladly provide you with helpful contacts.

Barrier-free accessibility at WU

General information about accessibility at WU is available on our “Diversity & inclusion” pages. If you have any suggestions or feedback you’d like to share, please send your comments to the contacts listed on the respective pages or to the BeAble team.

Academic advisory services to help students master challenging situations

(e.g. choice of degree program, strategic planning of academic activities, learning difficulties, conflicts, motivation, dealing with insecurities and fears)

Support services for students with impairments

(e.g. help with taking notes in class, financial support for studying abroad)

Internships, career support, and workplace inclusion

Further information