One-to-one Coaching

If you are facing a personal or university-related challenge or overwhelm, you can contact the Student Counselling team and make an appointment for a one-on-one coaching session.
Book Coaching
(Click here for a how-to-book-a session guide.)
We have compiled the most important information and frequently asked questions for you in the FAQs below:
How to get in touch
What is the best way to contact us?
If you'd like to make an appointment for a coaching session, please use this link for in-person appointments, and this booking calendar for an online session.
For other inquiries, you can write us an email at
In-person or online appointments
Where does the coaching session take place?
The coaching session can take place in person on campus or online via MS Teams.
The meeting point for face-to-face appointments is always outside the Study Service Center in the LC Building at the agreed time.
Duration of coaching session
What is the time frame for a coaching session?
A coaching session lasts 50 minutes.
Many students use a coaching session to get a fresh perspective at their dilemma and develop possible solutions so they have enough clarity to take the next step.
Some students find themselves in complex circumstances and may need multiple sessions. Depending on our current capacity, we can offer a number of sessions to a student or help them find the support they need.
Cancelling an appointment
What if I can't keep an appointment or no longer need it?
Something unexpected has come up or you no longer need an already arranged appointment? Please be kind cancel. You can do so up to eight hours before the schedule appointment via MS Bookings. Otherwise you can reach us by email.
Coaching ≠ psychotherapy
How is coaching different from psychotherapy?
We are not psychotherapists and coaching is not a substitute for psychotherapy.
Coaching deals with a current challenge or situation and is future and solution oriented.
In a coaching session, we work on a specific situation. In psychotherapy, the influence of your personal history is also considered and how it has contributed to your current state. If you suffer from a high level of pressure or suffering and you struggle to manage everyday life, psychotherapy is recommendable.
Coaching also does not deal with mental illnesses (such as depression, anxiety disorders aso.).
What if I need psychotherapy?
If you need psychotherapy but encounter problems in finding a suitable psychotherapist, feel free to contact us. We have a small network of external therapists that we can recommend.
You can also contact the BÖP (- in German) Helpline (01/504 8000 or via email
It's not a good fit for me
What do I do if the coaching session doesn’t meet my expectations, or I do not understand or like the approach used?
Coaching is a highly personal and individual matter. The relationship aspect between coach and coachee is essential for a successful process.
Of course, it is always possible that there’s not the right chemistry or that you do not like the coach’s approach. That is perfectly fine and not a problem. Feel free to address it. The specific offering of the Student Counselling team cannot be the right fit for all WU students; we are happy to make recommendations to you if necessary.
If you don't understand an approach/exercise or don't like it, please address it right away in the situation, only this way your coach can respond adequately. The coaching approach should work for for you; there are no universal panaceas that work for everyone. Only if an approach/exercise feels appropriate, will it be able to make a difference in your process.
Privacy & confidentiality
What about privacy and confidentiality?
Everything you entrust to us is subject to confidentiality and remains between us. Data is deleted and destroyed at regular intervals.
Emergency contacts
FEM Health Center for Women, Parents & Girls:
Women's helpline against violence:
MEN Men's health center:
Männerinfo (men's helpline): (in German only)
Domestic Abuse Intervention Centre Vienna:
Crisis Intervention Center Vienna:
Psychosozialer Dienst Wien (mental health support Vienna): (in German)
Telefonseelsorge (general helpline): (in German)
Ö3 Kummernummer (grief helpline by Ö3 radio): (in German)
Schuldenberatung (debt advice services NPO):
Hilfe für Angehörige psychisch kranker Menschen (help for relatives of mentally ill people): (in German)
Women's counseling center for sexual violence:
Learn more!
Team Student CounsellingStudent Counselling
Library & Learning Center (LC) | level +2
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Mo - Thu | 09:00 – 12:00
Tel: +43-1-31336-3553